Printed by Charles Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty, 1790.
[2]. pp-711-730pp. Twentieth-century red morocco, gilt, titled in gilt to upper board. Slight wear to extremities. Reinforcement to gutter margins of text. More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 10903
Josiah Loring, 1838.
Second edition.
37pp, [6]. Original publisher's half-sheep, marbled boards, printed paper lettering-piece to upper board. Rubbed, substantial loss to spine. Ink ownership inscription to head of title; 'John Wedgwood Jones, St. (?)Windley / Oct. 22nd 1840', light dust-soiling, overall internally clean and crisp. More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 14917
Printed for Timothy Goodwin, 1689.
First edition.
[2], 58pp, [2]. Without initial advertisement leaf or terminal blank leaf. Stitched in recent tan paper wraps. Minor wear to extremities. Sporadic light foxing and dust-soiling, occasional chipping to margins, marginal loss to final leaf, very small hole to text of final leaf - touching two characters on p.57 and one on p.58 with no loss of sense. More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 11242
Printed by Gales & Seaton, 1834.
First edition.
23pp, [1]. Stitched, as issued. A trifle browned and dust-soiled, chipping to edges of title-page, with recent ink shelf-mark to head, vertical crease to centre of all leaves. More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 16037
Printed by W. Clowes...for Mathews and Leigh, 1806.
Third edition.
[6], 98pp. With half-title and an engraved portrait frontispiece. Uncut in recent brown buckram, lettered in gilt. Very slight wear to extremities. Lightly foxed, occasional slight marginal dust-soiling. More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 15191
Printed for J. Debrett, 1795.
First edition.
[4], 72, 161-192, 73-160, 193-198pp, [2]. With a half-title and a terminal publisher's advertisement leaf. Several gatherings misbound. Uncut, stitched, as issued. Contemporary inked annotation to title-page, inked inscription to head of p.1, gathering 'G' (p.41-48) detached, lightly spotted/dust-soiled, some creasing. More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 19001
Printed for the Associated Law Booksellers, and sold by A. Maxwell et al., 1823.
First edition.
[2], 126pp, [4]. With an engraved frontispiece and two final advertisement leaves. Uncut in original publisher's two-tone paper boards, printed paper lettering-piece. Lightly marked, head of spine worn, slight splitting to upper joint. Internally clean and crisp. More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 20418
Printed by M. Smith, [s.d., c.1882]
Dimensions 290 x 440 mm.
Single leaf broadside. Lightly creased, very short tear to one edge, central horizontal fold. More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 21433
Printed for J. Miller, [1769].
First edition.
60pp. Disbound. Title page working-loose, lightly spotted. More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 22013
[s.n.], [1853].
2pp, [2]. Single folded sheet. Two horizontal folds, manuscript docket title to verso. Lightly creased and dust-soiled. More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 21538
[s.n.], [1851].
Dimensions 180 x 230 mm.
Single leaf handbill. Three horizontal folds, manuscript docket title to verso. More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 21541
[William Blackwood and Sons], [1848].
32pp. Stitched, as issued. Central horizontal fold, lightly dust-soiled, inked ownership inscription of Sir John Orde to head of title page. More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 21537
Printed at the General-Printing-Office, by R. Cullum, 1818.
First edition.
[2], ii, [1], 6-415pp, [1]. Later red half-calf, marbled boards, contrasting black morocco lettering-piece, gilt. Lightly rubbed. Upper hinge exposed, armorial bookplate of English barrister Sir Trehawke Herbert Kekewich (1851-1932) and later ticket of Exeter Rare Books to FEP, without FFEP, adhesive residue to gutter of title page, closed tear to gutter of leaf A1, slight loss to margin of leaf E1 (clipping text without ... More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 24090
[s.n.], 1808.
First edition.
6pp, [2]. Docket title to verso of final leaf. Stitched, as issued. A trifle browned and dusty. More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 24070
[s.n.], [s.d., 1831?]
[4]pp. Single folded sheet. Docket title to verso of final leaf. Three early horizontal folds. A trifle creased, short tears to folds. Contemporary manuscript notes, providing further details of the estate, to verso of final leaf. More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 24868
Oxoniae [i.e. Oxford].
e Theatro Sheldoniano...Prostant venales apud Sam. Wilmot Bibliopol. Oxon, 1729.
Editio secunda [i.e. second edition].
[8], 326pp, [32]. Contemporary blind-tooled calf. Rubbed and heavily marked. Pastedowns sprung, later inked ownership inscription to recto of FFEP, very occasional later inked annotations and highlights to text, else internally clean and crisp. More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 25104
[s.n.], [s.d., c.1850]
[4]pp. Single folded sheet. Manuscript title to verso of final blank page. Three early horizontal folds.
[Together with:] [An advertisement for Fyfe's 'Fixed Water Closets']. Single sheet, printed on one side only. Dimensions 200 x 180 mm. Three early folds. More > £ 125.00 Antiquates Ref. 25330
[Together with:] [An advertisement for Fyfe's 'Fixed Water Closets']. Single sheet, printed on one side only. Dimensions 200 x 180 mm. Three early folds. More > £ 125.00 Antiquates Ref. 25330
[s.n.], [s.d., c.1874]
Dimensions 270 x 430 mm.
Single leaf broadside. Numerous early vertical and horizontal folds. A trifle creased, manuscript title to verso. More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 25332
Hamilton, Adams and Co., 1879.
First edition.
v, 25pp. Stitched, as issued. Central vertical fold. A trifle dust-soiled, scattered foxing, ink-stamp of the Webster Collection to verso of final leaf. Presentation copy, inked inscription to head of title page: 'With the author's compliments'. More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 24972
[s.n.], [s.d., c.1855]
Dimensions 240 x 390 mm.
Single leaf broadside. Numerous early vertical and horizontal folds. manuscript title to verso. More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 25310