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ROBERTS, William. The Divine Institution of the Gospel Ministry, and the Necessity of Episcopal Ordination, Asserted, by Proofs from Scripture, and the Practice of the Primitive and Purest Ages of the Christian Church. In a sermon, Preach’d at the Primary Visitation Of the Right Reverend Father in god offspring blackall, Formerly Lord Bishop of exon. Held at Okehampton in the County of Devon, Aug. 19, 1709. London. Printed for Benjamin Matthews et al., [1750]. Fourth edition. 8vo. viii, 31pp, [2]. With two terminal leaves of publisher’s advertisements. Later buff wrappers. Initial and terminal leaves pasted to wrappers. Extremities heavily worn and marked, loss to spine and panel edges. Scattered spotting. More > £ 50.00 Antiquates Ref. 30923
DREXEL, Jeremias. DUNSTER, Samuel. . The considerations of drexelius upon eternity. Made English from the Latin. London. Printed by J. Rawlins, and J. Pickard, for D. Brown.., 1710. First edition. 8vo. [16], 231pp, [1]. With a portrait frontispiece and nine further engraved plates. Contemporary panelled calf, contrasting morocco lettering piece, neatly recornered, and rebacked with the original spine laid down. Modern bookplate of Robert J. Hayhurst to FEP. Light wear, occasional marking to the (very generous) margins. Presentation copy, inscribed 'Ex dono authoris' to head of title. More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 14612
SEWARD, T[homas]. The conformity between Popery and Paganism. Illustrated in several Instances, and supported by Variety of Quotations from the Latin and Greek Classicks. Being A Sequel to Two Treatises on this Subject; the One by the Learned Henry Mower in his Exposition of the Apocalyps, and the other by the Learned Dr. Middleton in his Letter from Rome. London. Printed for J. and R. Tonson, and S. Draper, 1746. First edition. 8vo. 79pp, [1]. Contemporary calf-backed marbled paper boards. Heavily worn, without backstrip. Ink stain to FFEP, ink inscription of 'William March 1765' to recto of detached front fly-leaf, paper repair to gutter margin of title page, dust-soiling and scattered spotting throughout. From the library of Church of England clergyman and religious controversialist Joseph Mendham (1769-1856). More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 12280
[LITURGY - English]. The Church-of-England-Man's Companion: containing the Book of Common Prayer...and the Form or Manner of Making, Ordaining, and Consecrating of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons; with Notes, Practical and Explanatory. Extracted from the Works of several learned and pious Divines, and other ingenious Commentators. Chester. Printed by J. Poole, 1780. Quarto. Unpaginated. *2, b-h2, A-3B4, 3C2-Yyy2. With A companion to the altar, and Tate and Brady's A new version of the Psalms, both with separate title pages, but continuous register. Without frontispiece and 10 engraved plates. Contemporary gilt-ruled calf, all edges red. Rubbed, corners bumped. Occasional light spotting. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 19597
MAUCLERC, James. The Christian's Magazine, or, treasure. Containing, a choice collection of many remarkable passages upon several important religious subjects, Taken out of the Writings of Some of the Most Eminent Modern Divines: Tending to Our Confirmation Both in the Belief and Practice of the True Christian Religion, against Atheists, Deists, Socinians, Papists, And other Corrupt and Loose Christians. London. Printed for the author, by S. Richardson, [s.d., 1745?] First edition. 8vo. viii, [4], 403pp, [1]. Contemporary gilt-tooled calf, contrasting red calf lettering-piece. Rubbed, some surface loss to upper board, lower joint starting. Armorial bookplate of Henry Bowes Howard, Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire to FEP, scattered foxing, very occasional chipping/small holes to margins. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 25713
[OECONOMY]. The Christian Oeconomy, Translated from the Original Greek of An Old Manuscript, Found in the Island of Patmos, Where St. John wrote his Book of the revelation. London. Printed for T. Waller, 1760. 8vo. 96pp. Contemporary straight-grain black morocco, tooled and lettered in gilt, A.E.G. Rubbed, old paper label label to head of spine. Marbled endpapers, later bookplate of Mary Flower to FEP, with her inked ownership inscription to foot of title page, scattered foxing. More > £ 375.00 Antiquates Ref. 16596
PATTEN, Thomas. The Christian Apology. A sermon Preached before the University of Oxford... Oxford. Printed at the Theatre for S. Parker et al., 1755. Second edition. [2], 38pp. ESTC T30647.

[Bound with:] HEATHCOTE, Ralph. The use of reason asserted in matters of religion: or, natural religion the foundation of revealed... London. Printed for Thomas Oayne, 1756. Second edition corrected. 104pp. ESTC T176132.

[And:] [PATTEN, Thomas]. St. peter's christian apology as set forth In a sermon on I Pet. III. 15, 16 lately published at the Request of the Vice-Chancellor of the ... More >
£ 325.00 Antiquates Ref. 17309
[HICKES, George]. The case of Infant-Baptism. In Five questions. I. Whether Infants are uncapable of Baptism? II. Whether Infants are excluded from Baptism by Christ? III. Whether it is lawful to separate from a Church, which appointeth Infants to be Baptised? IV. Whether it be the Duty of Christian Parents to bring their Children unto Baptism? V. Whether it is lawful to Communicate with Believers, who were Baptized in their Infancy?. London. Printed for Tho. Basset et al., 1683. First edition. Quarto. [4], 106pp, [2]. With a final leaf of publisher's advertisements. Recent black cloth. Recent book-label of Eric Gerald Stanley to FEP, occasional spotting, early pen-trial to verso of final leaf. Presentation copy, inked inscription to title page: '(?) Ex dono Authoris'. More > £ 850.00 Antiquates Ref. 20852
[PATRICK], Symon. The book of psalms paraphras'd; with Arguments to each Psalm. London. Printed by J. H. for L. Meredith, 1691. Second edition. 8vo. In two parts. [24], 716pp, [4]. With and engraved portrait frontispiece and two final leaves of publisher's advertisements. 'The book of Psalms paraphras’d...Part II' has a separate dated title page; register and pagination are continuous.Contemporary speckled calf, later rebacked, later contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. Rubbed, worm-track to foot of lower joint. Recent book-label of Peter A. Croft to recto of FFEP, early inked ownership inscription ... More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 27511
[LITURGY - English]. The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the church, according to The Church of England; with notes upon the epistles, gospels, and psalms, By a Member of the Established Church. London. Sold by Otridge and Son et al., 1813. First edition. 8vo. xxvi, 482pp. Printed in double columns. Handsomely bound in near contemporary richly gilt-tooled red straight-grain morocco, lettered in gilt to upper board 'Wm. Vavasour', A.E.G. Lightly rubbed and marked, spine sunned. Marbled endpapers, newspaper clipping pasted to FEP, extracts of devotional verse in manuscript to blank fly-leaves, later newspaper clippings relating to the Vavasour family to front blank fly- leaf, very occasional light spotting, terminal ... More > £ 375.00 Antiquates Ref. 30910
[LITURGY - English]. The book of common prayer... London. Printed by the Assigns of His Majesty's Printer, and of Henry Hills, decease'd, 1731. 12mo. Unpaginated. Contemporary gilt-tooled sheep. Extremities heavily worn, joints split, loss to head of spine. Marbled endpapers, contemporary armorial bookplate to FEP and inked ownership inscription to front blank fly-leaf of Cosmo George, Duke of Gordon. More > £ 200.00 Antiquates Ref. 24973
[LITURGY - English]. The book of Common-Prayer, and administration of the Sacraments; And other Parts of Divine Service For the Use of the Church of Scotland... Edinburgh. Printed by James Watson, 1712. 8vo. [30], 308, [2], 309-429pp, [1]. Title page in red and black. Leaf B1 is a cancellans with 'nople asure' in line eight of text corrected to 'no pleasure'. Some copies have both states of B1, the present copy does not. Handsomely bound in later richly gilt-tooled dark green morocco, A.E.G. Lightly rubbed. Elaborate brocade endpapers, armorial bookplate of Thomas Maitland Dundrennan to FEP, internally clean ... More > £ 750.00 Antiquates Ref. 23533
[LITURGY - English]. The book of common prayer, And administration of the sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, According to the use of The Church of England: Together with the psalter or psalms of david... Oxford. Printed by T. Wright and W. Gill, 1772. Quarto. [416]pp. Contemporary gilt-tooled red morocco, 'William Crosbie Esq. Mayor. 1776' stamped in gilt to upper board, A.E.G. Extremities rubbed and discoloured, loss to gilt tooling, joints worn. Marbled endpapers, internally clean and crisp but for tear to margin of K2. More > £ 750.00 Antiquates Ref. 15188