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GRAILE, John. Sacra privata In duas Partes distributa: quaram una Tractatum continet de Religiosa Solitudine, Privatis Precibus aliisque Officiis piis, cum Doctrinae Studio conjungendis. Altera Varias id genus Preces, Literatorum (in primis Juniorum) Pietati augendae destinatas. Londini, [i.e. London]. Typis J.L. Impensis autem Gualteri Kettilby, 1699. First edition. 8vo. [16], 141, [7], 183pp, [3]. Without terminal blank leaf. Contemporary panelled sheep. Rebacked in later calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, gilt. Rubbed, with loss to extremities. Some loss and perforation to FFEP, small paper flaws to E3 and G4 with slight loss of text. Ink inscriptions of Hugo Pigot to FEP (dated 1710) and title, with latin motto inscribed to FFEP. More > £ 200.00 Antiquates Ref. 11482
SHEPERD, Rev. Mr. James. Sermons on the Following Subjects; Viz. I. Life from Christ. II. The Physician of Souls. III. The Incarnation of Christ. IV. The Expediency and Necessity of the Sufferings of Christ. V. Reconciliation to God By the Blood of Christ.... London. Printed for James Buckland, 1748. First Edition. 12mo. xii, 176pp, [4]. With two final leaves of advertisements. Contemporary sheep, rubbed and scuffed, with some loss to spine. Bookplate of the Rev. E.S. Bunting, Yelden Rectory to FEP. More > £ 175.00 Antiquates Ref. 9759
LUTHER, Martin. A Sammelband of 11 Eighteenth-Century Theological Tracts, Nine of Which Involving Martin Luther. 1724. 8vo. 11 vols bound in one. Contemporary vellum. RAMBACH, Johann Jacob. Auserlesene Trost-Briefe Des Mannes Bottes Martini Lutheri, Eir Er Un versolgte angefochtene under traurige Personen mit einter recht Evangelischen Feder geschrieben... Jena, 1724. Joh. Friedr. Rittern. [16], 142pp, [2]. RAMBACH, Johann Jacob. Des Mannes Gottes Martini Lutheri Lauteres und Apostolisches Zeugniss Bon Christo fur uns Rach Unleitung der Morte Pauli... Jena, 1725. Johann Friederich Rittern. ... More > £ 650.00 Antiquates Ref. 9338
BARRINGTON, Shute. A Charge Delivered to the Clergy Of the Diocese of Sarum at the Primary Visitation of That Diocese, In the Year MDCCLXXXIII By Shute Lord Bishop of Sarum. Oxford. [s.n.], 1783. 8vo. [4], 24pp. Uncut in original paper wraps with later stitching, inscribed in ink to upper wrapper 'The Revd. Mr Clark Curate of Chadleworth'. As the present copy bears the name of an English clergyman in the Marlborough area, it is possible that Shute Barrington (1734-1826) distributed this short encouragement of residency, activity and diligence given on his translation to Salisbury to his subordinates in the ... More > £ 125.00 Antiquates Ref. 9890
[GRUBB, Sarah]. Some Account of the Life and Religious Labours of Sarah Grubb with an Appendix Containing an Account of Ackworth School, Observations on Christian Discipline, and Extracts from Many of Her Letters. Dublin. Printed for R. Jackson, 1792. First Edition. Large 12mo. iv, [2], 435pp, [1]. Contemporary tan sheep, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, gilt. Lightly rubbed, cracking to joints, loss to head of spine. Headband split. Nineteenth-century auction lot number pasted to spine. Inscriptions of several members of the Fryer family to endpapers, earlier bookplate removed. Printing flaw to Q2. More > £ 100.00 Antiquates Ref. 9927
HASENMULLER, Elias. Historia Jesuitici Ordinis, In Qua De Societatis Esuitarum Autore, Nomine, Gradibus, Incremento, Vita, Votis, Privilegiis, Miraculis, Doctrina, Morte, &c. Perspicue Solideq Tractatur.... Francofurti ad Moenum, [i.e. Frankfurt]. Excudebat Johannes Spies, 1593. First Edition. Quarto. 323pp, [1]. Later paper boards, rubbed and worn. 'E Bibliotheca Oelsneriana' inscribed to verso of FFEP, remains of faint circular institional stamp to verso of title. A large copy with good margins, but with some softening to fore-edge at extremities. Small hole to head of A2, causing loss of a single letter to running title of verso. Discrete paper repairs to base of title and ... More > £ 500.00 Antiquates Ref. 9816
[PSALTER. English], STERNHOLD, Thomas. HOPKINS, John.. The Whole Book of Psalms, Collected Into English Metre, By Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and Others; Conferred with the Hebrew... London. Printed for the Company of Stationers, 1787. 8vo. [128]pp. [Bound with:] [PSALTER] BRADY, N. TATE, N.. A New Version of the Psalms of David, Fitted to the Tunes Used in Churches. London. Printed by J. March and Son for the Company of Stationers, 1792. 237pp. Finely bound in deep navy blue morocco, gilt ruling to spine and boards, winged cherubim device to spine compartments. A.E.G. Marbled endpapers. Slight touching up to spine, else ... More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 10222
FLETCHER, John. A Rational Vindication of the Catholic Faith: Being the First Part of a Vindication of Christ's Divinity; Inscribed to the Reverend Dr. Priestley, By J. Fletcher, Vicar of Madeley, Salop. Left Imperect by the Author, and Now Revised, and Finished at Mrs. Fletcher's Request, By Joseph Benson.. Hull. Printed By George Prince, in Scale-Lane, and sold at the New Chapel, City-Road, London, [c.1790]. 8vo. 223pp, [1]. Uncut, in early roughly-sewn wrappers over original blue-paper wraps. Loss to over-wraps, some rounding to edges and occasional soiling of text block. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 10214
[CATECHISM]. A Protestant Catechism: Shewing the principal errors of the Church of Rome. In four parts. I. Of the Rule of Faith....II. Of the Pope's Supremacy, and the Treatment of Hereticks. III. Of Errors in the Worship of God. IV. Of the Sacraments and other Points of Doctrine and Practice. Dublin. Printed by G. Perrin...Printer to the Society, [c.1784]. Seventh Edition. 12mo. 24pp. Sewn into early wrappers. Marking to wrappers, with some marginal staining to text. Contemporary ink inscription of Letitia Vance to verso of upper wrap. More > £ 75.00 Antiquates Ref. 11159