Printed by J. Archdeacon, 1770.
First edition.
[4], 112pp. With a half-title. Contemporary speckled calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. A trifle rubbed. Inked ownership inscription of C. Preston (dated 1812), later armorial bookplate of John Norcliffe Preston, and recent bookplate of Kenneth Monkman of Shandy Hall to FEP. More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 19695
A Londres [i.e. London].
Chez J. Nourse & P. Elmsly, 1780.
Nouvelle edition [i.e. new edition].
[2], xlix, [1], 438pp, [2]. With a half-title and a table. Handsomely bound in contemporary gilt-tooled morocco, A.E.G. Very slight rubbing and marking to extremities. Marbled endpapers, contemporary armorial bookplate of Richard Langley to FEP, recent bookplate of Robert J. Hayhurst to recto of FFEP. More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 19055
Printed by J. P. Coghlan, 1795.
First edition.
vii, [1], 140pp. With a half-title. Uncut, stitched as issued in original publisher's blue wrappers. Title in manuscript to upper cover, wrappers creased, substantial loss to spine panel. Internally clean and crisp. More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 19006
Printed for Ri. Chiswell, 1705.
Third edition, corrected.
[6], xxiv, 396pp. Bound by Fair, Stationer & Binder, Bishop Auckland in later half-calf, marbled boards, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, gilt. Lightly rubbed and marked. Armorial bookplate of Revd. L. Yarker to FEP, with his inked ownership inscription to head of title, light damp-staining to initial three gatherings, short closed tears to lower margins of leaves I2 and P1, very occasional light spotting/dust-soiling. More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 18736
Imprinted at Newcastle.
by M.A. Richardon, 1846.
19pp, [1]. Uncut in original yellow wrappers, printed in red and black. Slight rubbed, marking to upper wrapper, chipping to extremities, preserved in cream buckram chemise. More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 18518
Printed for T. Waller, 1760.
96pp. Contemporary straight-grain black morocco, tooled and lettered in gilt, A.E.G. Rubbed, old paper label label to head of spine. Marbled endpapers, later bookplate of Mary Flower to FEP, with her inked ownership inscription to foot of title page, scattered foxing. More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 16596
Printed and Published by J. Gleave, 1811.
vi, [1], 8-910pp. With an engraved frontispiece and 11 engraved plates. Attractively bound by T. Claye of Stockport in contemporary calf, tooled in gilt and blind. Extremities a trifle rubbed. Marbled endpapers, slight shaving to foot of frontispiece, occasional foxing and offsetting. More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 14175
Printed and sold by R. Davy, and at Mr. Gleed's, Bookseller, 1758.
First edition.
31pp, [1]. With proposals for printing (by subscription) a new edition of the same author's autobiography The Riches of God's Free Grace, dated Feb. 4, 1758, to verso of final leaf. Uncut, stitched as issued. Slightly dusty, else a fine copy. With ink inscriptions of both Ben and Thomas Spalding to margins of the verso of title, and recto of the second leaf. More >
£ 350.00
Antiquates Ref. 19572
[s.n.], 1726.
First edition in English.
Two volumes bound as one. [4], lxiii, [1], 120, [4], 297, [11]. Contemporary gilt-tooled panelled black morocco, A.E.G. Rubbed, slight chipping to head and foot of spine, short crack to lower compartment, corners bumped, edges dusty. Marbled endpapers, recent book-label to FEP, front blank fly-leaf pasted to FFEP, later inked ownership inscriptions to verso of front blank fly-leaf and head of title, occasional light spotting. More >
£ 350.00
Antiquates Ref. 17537
Londini [i.e. London].
Apud R. & J. Bonwicke et al., 1713.
[38], 184pp, [148]. With an engraved frontispiece. Handsomely bound in contemporary richly gilt-tooled black morocco, A.E.G. Lightly rubbed. Marbled endpapers, Recent bookplate of Robert J. Hayhurst to FEP, loss to upper corner of front blank fly-leaf, early inked inscription of 'John Murray / April 1726' to recto. More >
£ 350.00
Antiquates Ref. 15276
Printed by Edw. Jones, for Awnsham and John Churchill, 1697.
Third edition.
[16], 310, [10]. With a terminal advertisement leaf. Contemporary blind-panelled speckled calf, neatly rebacked and recornered in brown morocco, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, gilt. Binding a trifle rubbed and a little marked, new endpapers. Small rust hole to G3, without loss of sense, else a crisp and clean copy. More >
£ 350.00
Antiquates Ref. 12749
Printed for Alexander and Son: sold also by Harvey and Darton et al., 1821.
First edition.
35pp, [1]. With a terminal page of publisher's advertisements. Original publisher's printed buff paper boards. Rubbed and marked, loss to spine. Pencil trials to front endpapers, inked ownership inscription of Sarah Steevens to recto of FFEP. More >
£ 325.00
Antiquates Ref. 31350
En te Kantabrigia [i.e. Cambridge].
Exetypothe par' Ioannou Phieldou..., 1665.
[36], 126pp, [2]. With a terminal blank leaf. Title and imprint, including date, are transliterated from the Greek. ESTC R204258, Wing B3632.
[Bound with:] Psalterion tou Dabid... En te Kantabrigia [i.e. Cambridge]. Exetypothe par' Ioannou Phieldou..., 1664. [2], 115, [3], 117-171pp, [1]. Title and imprint, including date, are transliterated from the Greek. ESTC R204259, Wing B2720A.
12mo. Recent calf-backed marbled paper boards, lettered in gilt ... More > £ 325.00 Antiquates Ref. 25869
[Bound with:] Psalterion tou Dabid... En te Kantabrigia [i.e. Cambridge]. Exetypothe par' Ioannou Phieldou..., 1664. [2], 115, [3], 117-171pp, [1]. Title and imprint, including date, are transliterated from the Greek. ESTC R204259, Wing B2720A.
12mo. Recent calf-backed marbled paper boards, lettered in gilt ... More > £ 325.00 Antiquates Ref. 25869
Caerfyrddin [i.e. Carmarthen].
Argraffwyd dros yr Awdur gan J. Ross [Printed for the Author by J. Ross], 1773.
First edition.
vi, [12], 311 [i.e. 310]pp. With a list of subscribers. p.297 misnumbered 269, p.307 misnumbered 298, and pp.308-310 are misnumbered 309-311. Contemporary calf-backed marbled boards, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, gilt. Extremities worn, corners bumped. Short closed horizontal tear to tile page, occasional chipping to margins. Later inked ownership inscriptions of Mariah Lewis and John Lewis to FEP and front blank fly-leaf, near contemporary ownership inscriptions ... More >
£ 325.00
Antiquates Ref. 24000
Printed for J. Peele, 1722.
First edition.
[8], 72pp. Disbound, all edges red. Title page spotted. More >
£ 325.00
Antiquates Ref. 21310
Printed for J. Buckland et al., 1780.
Second edition.
vi, [1], 8-132pp. Later calf, morocco lettering-piece, gilt. Very slight rubbing to extremities. Very occasional pen-trials to margins, spotted More >
£ 325.00
Antiquates Ref. 17567
Printed at the Theatre for S. Parker et al., 1755.
Second edition.
[2], 38pp. ESTC T30647.
[Bound with:] HEATHCOTE, Ralph. The use of reason asserted in matters of religion: or, natural religion the foundation of revealed... London. Printed for Thomas Oayne, 1756. Second edition corrected. 104pp. ESTC T176132.
[And:] [PATTEN, Thomas]. St. peter's christian apology as set forth In a sermon on I Pet. III. 15, 16 lately published at the Request of the Vice-Chancellor of the ... More > £ 325.00 Antiquates Ref. 17309
[Bound with:] HEATHCOTE, Ralph. The use of reason asserted in matters of religion: or, natural religion the foundation of revealed... London. Printed for Thomas Oayne, 1756. Second edition corrected. 104pp. ESTC T176132.
[And:] [PATTEN, Thomas]. St. peter's christian apology as set forth In a sermon on I Pet. III. 15, 16 lately published at the Request of the Vice-Chancellor of the ... More > £ 325.00 Antiquates Ref. 17309
Coloniae Agrippinae [i.e. Cologne].
In officina Birckmannica, sumptibus Arnoldi Mylii, 1588.
834pp. Contemporary vellum, title in manuscript to spine. Marked and discoloured, lightly rubbed, later paper shelf-label to foot of spine. Text-block held in binding by upper hinge only, pastedowns sprung, early ownership inscription of Richard Banastre to title, very occasional minute marginal worm-trails, dampstained. More >
£ 325.00
Antiquates Ref. 17305
William Darton and Son, [s.d., c. 1835]
First edition.
xiv, 216pp. With a half-title, an engraved double frontispiece, and numerous engraved vignettes in the text. Original publisher's embossed roan, lettered in gilt to spine, A.E.G. Extremities rubbed. Upper hinge exposed, early ownership inscription to recto of front blank fly-leaf, double frontispiece browned and foxed, scattered spotting. More >
£ 300.00
Antiquates Ref. 31324
Printed by T[homas]. C[hilde]. and L[eonard]. P[arry]. and are to be sold by Edward Thomas, 1661.
First edition.
[12], 136pp. Recent brown cloth, black calf lettering-piece. Lightly rubbed, chipping to lettering-piece. Short inked annotation to head of p.1, occasional spotting. More >
£ 300.00
Antiquates Ref. 22282