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[CHURCH OF ENGLAND]. The Bishop of london's Pastoral Letter To the People of his Diocese; Especially those of the two great Cities of London and Westminster: By way of Caution, Against Lukewarmness on one hand, and Enthusiasm on the other. London. Printed by S. Buckley, 1739. First edition. 8vo. [3] 6-55pp, [1]. Without half-title. Recent red half-morocco, red cloth boards, lettered in gilt, T.E.G. Some discolouration to boards. Recent marbled endpapers, very short marginal tears to head of C3-4, browning to leaves of final two gatherings, else internally clean and crisp. More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 15043
[APOCRYPHA, English Authorised Version]. The apocrypha, according to the authorised version. Oxford. Printed at the University Press, [s.d., c. 1898] 8vo. [186]pp. Printed in double columns. Bound by Hatchards in contemporary brown morocco, lettered in gilt, with initials 'W. E.' (likely William Eden (1849-1915), father of Anthony Eden) to upper board. Lightly rubbed. Marbled endpapers, internally clean and crisp. Ink inscriptions to recto of front blank fly-leaf: 'With my best wishes M. H. Xmas 1898. "Friendship maketh day light in the understanding, out of darkness & ... More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 29535
L'ESTRANGE, Hamon. The alliance of Divine Offices, Exhibiting all the liturgies of the Church of England Since the reformation... London. Printed for Ch. Brome, 1699. Fourth edition. Folio. [16], 264, 275-313, [1], 325-348, 337-339, [1], 44pp. Text is continuous, despite pagination. Partially misbound. Contemporary panelled calf, contrasting black morocco lettering-pieces. Rubbed and marked, joints split, loss to head and foot of spine. Hinges exposed, remnants of excised bookplate to FEP, later inked shelf-marks and ownership inscription to front endpapers, FFEP working loose, very small burn-holes to text leaves S3-T1 (without loss of sense), ... More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 27521
[CHEAP REPOSITORY]. Sunday reading. The Harvest home. [London]. Sold by J. Marshall, (Printer to the Cheap Repository), [1795]. First edition. 12mo. 22pp, [2]. With a woodcut vignette to title page and a terminal leaf of publisher's advertisements. Uncut. Sewn, as issued. A clean and crisp copy. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 20559
[FRANCISCANS]. Statuta generalia barchinonensia ordinis seraphici s. p. n. francisci, pro cismontana familia: In Capitulo Generali Toletano Anno 1633. a Patribus Nationis Germanicae & Belgicae recognita, & Provinciis dictae Nationis accommodata; a praefato Capitulo Generali, ac Santissimo D. N. Urbano VIII. confirmata. Brugis [i.e. Bruges]. Typis Petri Vande Cappalle, 1717. 8vo. [16], 206pp, [2]. Contemporary vellum. Extremities marked and discoloured. Nineteenth-century ownership inscription and blind-stamp to FFEP, very occasional ink annotations, foxed, dust-soiling to endpapers and final gathering, very small hole to gutter margin of C4 - just clipping text, without loss of sense. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 16236
A TRUE CATHOLICK OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND [i.e. HICKES, George]. Speculum Beatae Virginis. A discourse of the Due Praise and Honour of the virgin mary. London. Printed, and are to be Sold by Randal Taylor, 1686. Second edition. [6], 42pp. ESTC R18597, Wing H1870.

[Bound with:] ON OF THE ROMAN COMMUNION [i.e. WIDENFELDT, Adam]. Wholsome advices from the Blessed Virgin, to her Indiscreet Worshippers. London. Printed for Randal Tayler, 1687. First edition. [20], 20pp. With an initial imprimatur leaf. ESTC R18760, Wing W2090A.

Quarto. Modern brown cloth. Bookplate of Eric Gerald Stanley to FEP, very occasional ink-spotting. More >
£ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 29729
[GRUBB, Sarah]. Some Account of the Life and Religious Labours of Sarah Grubb with an Appendix Containing an Account of Ackworth School, Observations on Christian Discipline, and Extracts from Many of Her Letters. Dublin. Printed for R. Jackson, 1792. First Edition. Large 12mo. iv, [2], 435pp, [1]. Contemporary tan sheep, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, gilt. Lightly rubbed, cracking to joints, loss to head of spine. Headband split. Nineteenth-century auction lot number pasted to spine. Inscriptions of several members of the Fryer family to endpapers, earlier bookplate removed. Printing flaw to Q2. More > £ 100.00 Antiquates Ref. 9927
A FRIEND OF TRUTH [i.e. JAMIESON, John]. Socinianism unmasked: in four letters to the lay-members of the church of scotland, And especially to those of the collegiate church of ayr: occasioned by Dr. M'Gill's practical essay on the Death of Jesus Christ, proving, That he denies the great Doctines of the Atonement, of the Deity of our Lord... Edinburgh. Printed for W. Laing, 1790. Second edition, corrected and enlarged. 8vo. [2], 168pp. Later rebacked in light green paper. Early and later inked ownership inscriptions to title page, ink deaccession stamp of New College Edinburgh to verso, terminal leaf creased/chipped, scattered spotting. More > £ 50.00 Antiquates Ref. 32509
[HYMNS]. Sixty psalms and hymns, selected for congregational use. Camden Town. Printed by T. Wallis, And Sold by G. Furrian, 1826. Second edition. 12mo. 48 [i.e. 50]pp. Contemporary (original?) brown cloth. Lightly rubbed, marked, and sunned. Scattered spotting. Inked ownership inscription to recto of FFEP: 'Mr. Basil G: Woodd. / 1826'; likely hymn writer Basil George Woodd (1760-1831). More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 28278