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[BAKER, Pacificus]. A lenten monitor to christians, in Pious Thoughts, Moral Reflections, and Devout Aspirations, on the gospels, For every Day in lent, from Ash-Wednesday to Easter-Tuesday inclusive. London. Printed and Sold by J. Marmaduke, 1755. First edition. 12mo. xii, 364pp, [2]. With one of two terminal advertisement leaves. Recent brown cloth, lettered in gilt. Minor wear to extremities. Recent endpapers, ink annotation to title-page, with slightest of loss to margin, leaves a trifle toned, occasional spotting, clear tape repairs to gutter margins of final gathering More > £ 300.00 Antiquates Ref. 16231
SELKIRK, [Thomas Douglas], Earl of. A letter addressed to john cartwright, esq. chairman of the committee at the crown and anchor; on the subject of parliamentary reform. London. Printed for Constable, Hunter, Park & Hunter, 1809. First edition. 8vo. 22pp, [2]. With a half-title and a terminal leaf of publisher’s advertisements. Modern brown crushed morocco-backed tan paper boards, lettered in gilt to spine. Decorated endpapers, bookplate of Sidney Broad to FEP. Clean and crisp. More > £ 125.00 Antiquates Ref. 30616
[WYNDHAM, William, Sir]. A letter From a Absented Member to a Friend at Westminster, Shewing his reasons for retiring into the Country upon the present Situation of the Affairs of Great Britain. London. Printed for J. Standen, 1739. First edition. 8vo. [2], 5-26pp. Without half-title. Recent two-tone paper boards, printed paper lettering-piece to upper board. Minor wear to extremities. Inked ownership inscription and slight loss to head of title, lightly dust-soiled/toned. More > £ 50.00 Antiquates Ref. 21654
[HANWAY, Jonas]. A letter from a member marine society of the marine society. Shewing the Piety, Generosity, and Utility of their design, with respect to the sea-service, at this important Crisis. Addressed to all true friends of their country. London. Printed and sold by J. Waugh et al., 1757. Fourth edition. 8vo. [4], 117pp, [1]. With an engraved frontispiece. Title in red and black. Near contemporary gilt-tooled polished calf. Lightly rubbed and marked, cracking to joints, upper board detached, loss to head of spine. Loss to FEP from earlier removal of bookplate, light spotting to frontispiece and title-page, else internally clean and crisp. More > £ 300.00 Antiquates Ref. 18020
WESTON, J. Webbe, EYRE, Francis, and SHELDON, William. A letter from J. Webbe Weston, Francis Eyre, and William Sheldon, Esqrs. to the Gentlemen at whose desire they accepted the office of mediators between the Vicars Apostolic and the Gentlemen of the Late Catholic Committee.. London. Printed By J. P. Coghlan, 1792. First edition. Large quarto. [2], 26pp. Contemporary paper wrappers, stitched as issued. Wrappers slightly dusty with occasional marks and softened edges. More > £ 200.00 Antiquates Ref. 19151
[SHERLOCK, Thomas]. A letter from the lord bishop of london, to the Clergy and People of London and Westminster; On Occasion of the late earthquakes. London. Printed by Vertue and Goady, 1750. 16pp. ESTC T1232.

[Bound after:] The Bishop of london's Pastoral Letter To the People of his Diocese; Especially those of the two great Cities of London and Westminster: By way of Caution, Against Lukewarmness on one hand, and enthusiasm on the other. London. Printed by S. Buckley, 1739. Second edition. [3], 6-55pp, [1]. Complete despite pagination. ESTC T22834.

[And:] WHITEFIELD, [George]. The Rev. Mr. whitefield's ... More >
£ 200.00 Antiquates Ref. 25184