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[HOMMAGE AUX DAMES]. Hommage aux dames. London. John Letts, 1825. 12mo. [2], iv, 159, [1], 4, [40], 15pp, [1]. With an engraved frontispiece, an engraved title page, a further five engraved plates, and a tipped-in errata slip. Original publisher's printed pink paper boards. Housed in original publisher's red roan slip-case, paper labels with title and date in manuscript to left-hand side. Lightly rubbed and marked, slipcase heavily rubbed and discoloured. Early inked ownership inscription of M. ... More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 32766
[ROYAL NAVY]. Log of the proceeding on board H. M. ship "Forte". [s.i.]. [s.n.], [1871-73] Folio. Manuscript on paper. [326]pp. Contemporary black morocco, tooled in gilt and blind. Heavily rubbed and marked, foot of spine and lower joint worn, corners exposed. Internally clean and crisp. With an engraved map showing the 1868-69 passage of the HMS Forte from England to Bombay, with later passage added in manuscript, and a sepia photograph of an unidentified vessel. More > £ 1,250.00 Antiquates Ref. 30935
[REGENCY BALL EPHEMERA]. [Drop-head title:] Mr. cleavin's ball, At Mr. nisbett's the red lion inn, in kirton, On Wednesday the [14th] Day of November, 1810. Brigg. Ball, Printer, [1810]. Dimensions 140 x 190 mm. Single sheet, printed on one side only. Laid-down, several small holes, some spotting, date added in manuscript.

[Together with:] [Drop-head title:] Mr. h. cleavin's ball, At Mr. hill's the Swan Inn, in kirton, on Friday the 15th Day of November, 1811. Brigg. Ball, Printer, [1811]. Dimensions 160 x 210 mm. Single sheet, printed on one side only. Laid-down, creased, some spotting.

[And:] [Drop-head title:] Mr. ... More >
£ 500.00 Antiquates Ref. 32332
BARETTI, Joseph. A guide through the royal academy. London. Printed by T. Cadell, [1781]. 32pp. ESTC T228820. The scarcer of two issues, with press figure '3' on p.7.

[Bound after:] [REYNOLDS, Joshua]. A discourse, delivered at the opening of the royal academy, January 2, 1769, by the president. London. [s.n.], 1769. [4], 15pp, [1]. ESTC T31941.

[And:] [REYNOLDS, Joshua]. A discourse, delivered to the students of the royal academy, on the Distribution of the Prizes, December 14, 1770, by ... More >
£ 1,250.00 Antiquates Ref. 19128
[AUCTION CATALOGUE]. Norwich. Catalogue of the large & extremely interesting Collection of Articles of Vertu, consisting of dresden, sevres and english china, pottery, enamels, miniatures, ivory and wood carvings, cabinets, caskets, repousse work, medals, Egyptian, Roman and Mediaeval Antiquities...Being the Entire Collection of Mr. James Mills, which messrs. spelman have received instructions to sell by auction... Norwich. Jarrold & Sons, [1865]. First edition. Quarto. 59pp, [3]. Contemporary brown cloth, lettered in gilt to spine. Lightly rubbed, boards damp-stained, spine sunned. Early inked ownership inscription and armorial bookplate of Clement Charles Rix Spelman to FEP, portrait photograph and paper label inscribed 'I Remain your affct. friend James Mills' to verso of title page, priced in manuscript. More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 22658
[STRAWBERRY HILL]. The collection of rare prints & illustrated works, removed from strawberry hill for sale in london. A catalogue of the extensive and most valuable collection of engraved portraits, of the most illustrious and other eminent british characters that figure in the annals of history and originally collected by horace walpole, earl of orford; which will be sold by auction... [London]. Smith and Robins, [1842]. First edition. Quarto. vi, [3]-131pp, [1]. Later half-calf, marbled paper boards, lettered in gilt to spine, T.E.G. A trifle rubbed and marked. Marbled endpapers, manuscript note to verso of FFEP: 'This catalogue was given to me by Mr. Schulze, who had it from Mr. Morgan, who had it from Smith of Lisle Street, the famous printseller, & friend of Beckford of Fonthill. I had it bound by Mr. ... More > £ 1,250.00 Antiquates Ref. 26440
HAYM, Nicolai Francisci. Nicolai francisci haym romani, thesauri britannici sev museum numarium, quo continentur numi graeci et latini, omnis metalli et formae, necdum editi, ab autore ipso caelati. Interprete aloysio comite cristiani, mediolanensi. Vindobonae [i.e. Vienna]. Ex officina Krausiana, 1763. [6], 296pp, [8]. With an engraved frontispiece (seemingly extracted from the first London edition) and 30 engraved folding plates.

[Together with:] HAYM, Nicola Francesco. Thesauri britannici pars altera, seu museum numarium conplexum numos graecos, et latinos omnis metalli, et formae necdum editos... Vindobonae [i.e. Vienna]. Typis Joannis Thomae de Trattnern, 1765. [28], 398pp, [10]. With 50 of 51 engraved folding plates (without plate No. 24). ... More >
£ 500.00 Antiquates Ref. 24058
[ROYAL INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY]. [A manuscript memorial volume]. [London?]. [s.n.], [1951]. Large quarto. Manuscript on paper. 963 autographs pasted on 64 leaves. Handsomely bound in contemporary gilt-stamped red morocco, decorative endpapers, housed in custom red cloth clamshell case. Clean and crisp. Case rubbed and marked. More > £ 750.00 Antiquates Ref. 30440
ORLANDI, Pellegrino Antonio. Abecedario pittorico del m. r. p. pellegrino antonio orlandi bolognese. Venezia [i.e. Venice]. Appresso Giambatista Pasquali, 1753. In Questa edizione corretto E Notabilmente Di Nuove Notizie Accresciuto Da Pietro Guarienti Academico Clementino. Quarto. [14], 583pp, [1]. Title in red and black. With a half-title and three engraved plates of artists monograms. Contemporary gilt-ruled vellum, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. More > £ 325.00 Antiquates Ref. 19801
JACKSON, Rev. J[ohn] E[dward]. Wulfhall and the seymours. With an Appendix of Original Documents discovered at Longleat. [s.i.]. [s.n.], 1874. Frst edition. Quarto. [4], 24, 53pp, [1]. Title printed in red and black. With an engraved frontispiece and a partially hand-coloured engraved map. Contemporary two-tone pebbled cloth, lettered in gilt to spine. Lightly rubbed and marked. Presentation copy, inked inscription to title page: 'George Matcham Esq / From the Author / Privately Printed'. More > £ 325.00 Antiquates Ref. 29307
[THICKNESSE, John]. [?GOTHER, John].. [Manuscript dialogue 'between a Papist and a Protestant wrote by one Goather, a Romish Priest']. [s.i., Northants?]. [s.n., c.1700s] Quarto. Manuscript on paper. 105pp. Disbound, within heavily worn contemporary calf boards, with the armorial bookplate of 'Philip Thicknesse Esq. Land-Guard Fort 1755' to FEP, and a manuscript note explaining the contents and origins of the manuscript to blank-fly (also detached). A manuscript note to the head of the first leaf, signed 'P. Thicknesse', notes 'The author one Goather a Priests The Hand writing & copy ... More > £ 1,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 25906
TASKER, William, Rev.. Select odes of pindar and horace translated: together with Some original poems; Accompanied with notes, critical, historical, and explanatory. Exter. Printed for the author, 1790-93 Second edition. 12mo. In three volumes. v, [1], iv, viii, [2], 213, [1]; ix, [1], 167, [1]; [2], iii, [1], 188pp, [4]. With an engraved portrait frontispiece to Vol. I, list of subscriber's, and a final leaf of errata to Vol. III. Handsomely bound in contemporary gilt-tooled green morocco, contrasting red morocco lettering-pieces. Very minor shelf-wear. Bookplate of the Peabody Institute Library, Baltimore to front blank fly-leaf of ... More > £ 2,000.00 Antiquates Ref. 20742
BENJAMIN, S[amuel] G[reene] W[heeler]. The Atlantic islands as resorts of health and pleasure. New York. Harper & Brothers, 1878. First edition. Quarto. 274pp, [4]. With an engraved frontispiece, numerous engraved illustrations in the text, and two terminal advertisement leaves. Original publisher's burgundy pictorial cloth, gilt. Slight rubbing to spine. Internally clean and crisp. Presentation copy, inscribed in ink to recto of FFEP; 'Eugene Cowles, Esq. / with the compliments of / the author.' With the booklabel of Eugene H. Cowles (1855-1892) to FEP, and a tipped-in A.L.S. ... More > £ 350.00 Antiquates Ref. 14070
[SURTEES, Robert Smith]. Mr Facey Romford's Hounds. London. Bradbury and Evans, [1865]. First edition. 8vo. In original 12 monthly parts. With 24 hand-coloured etched plates by John Leech and Halbot Knight Browne. Original publisher's brick-red pictorial wrappers, housed in recent custom red morocco pull-off case by W. Root & Son of London. Case a trifle rubbed, with bookplates of Samuel Henry Austin and Lucius Wilmerding. Very slight chipping to spines, upper panel of part I detached from text-block. Internally clean ... More > £ 625.00 Antiquates Ref. 10191
[LYTTELTON, George Lyttelton, Baron]. Dialogues of the dead. London. Printed for W. Sandby, 1760. Second edition. 8vo. xii, 320pp. Without errata leaf. Contemporary gilt-tooled red straight- grain morocco, A.E.G. Lightly rubbed and marked, spine sunned. Inked prize inscription of Nelson House school, dated 1811, to recto of blank fly-leaf, some light damp-staining to initial gathering, very occasional chipping to margins. More > £ 375.00 Antiquates Ref. 19447
[BECKFORD, Alderman William]. Brief memoirs of the judges whose portraits are preserved in guildhall. To which are prefixed, engravings of the marble sculptures, representing the earl of chatham and william beckford, Esq. [London]. Sold by John Pridden...and Joseph White, 1791. First edition. 8vo. [6], 9-50pp. Title-page a cancel. With three engraved plates, extra-illustrated with an additional engraved portrait depicting Sir Christopher Turnor and a single leaf, with text to both sides (from another, unidentified volume) regarding his life bound in following leaf C4. Contemporary calf-backed vellum-tipped marbled boards, gilt. Extremities rubbed, some loss to spine, else fine. Presentation copy, inked inscription to recto of FFEP; 'For Mr. Wolley ... More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 16575