Published by Harvey & Darton, 1825.
First edition.
12mo in 6s.
[4], 104pp. With a half-title, engraved frontispiece and one further engraved plate. Original publisher's gilt-tooled green roan-backed marbled boards, with the original price of 1s 6d stamped to spine. Rubbed, with some surface loss to boards. Some spotting, offsetting and marking to text, occasional marginal loss. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author to FFEP: 'Elizabeth Freeman with Amelia Opie's love -'. More >
£ 2,500.00
Antiquates Ref. 30226
Published September 25th. 1820 by Harris and Son
16pp. Printed on one side of the leaf only (alternative between rectos and versos). Engraved and hand-coloured throughout. With a final leaf of publisher's advertisements. Original publisher's printed buff stiff-paper wrappers. Rubbed and marked, chipping to spine, slight surface loss to lower panel. Advertisement leaf detached, else internally clean and crisp. More >
£ 2,500.00
Antiquates Ref. 25949
Sold by John Pridden...and Joseph White, 1791.
First edition.
[6], 9-50pp. Title-page a cancel. With three engraved plates, extra-illustrated with an additional engraved portrait depicting Sir Christopher Turnor and a single leaf, with text to both sides (from another, unidentified volume) regarding his life bound in following leaf C4. Contemporary calf-backed vellum-tipped marbled boards, gilt. Extremities rubbed, some loss to spine, else fine. Presentation copy, inked inscription to recto of FFEP; 'For Mr. Wolley ... More >
£ 2,500.00
Antiquates Ref. 16575
[Printed by Ram Shanker Bajpai, at the Lucknow Steam Printing Press], 1930.
[2], 101pp, [1].
[Bound with:] The Hindu Religious & Charitable Endowments Committee...Record of The Garhwal Sub-Committee Enquiry (Part I) Statements of witnesses. [Lucknow]. [Printed by Pt. Manna Lall Tewari, at the Hari Krishna, Shukla Printing Press], 1928. 182pp.
[And:] The Hindu Religious & Charitable Endowments Committee...Record of The Garhwal Sub-Committee Enquiry (Part II) Exhibits. [Lucknow]. [Printed by Pt. Manna Lall Tewari, at the Hari Krishna, ... More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 32232
[Bound with:] The Hindu Religious & Charitable Endowments Committee...Record of The Garhwal Sub-Committee Enquiry (Part I) Statements of witnesses. [Lucknow]. [Printed by Pt. Manna Lall Tewari, at the Hari Krishna, Shukla Printing Press], 1928. 182pp.
[And:] The Hindu Religious & Charitable Endowments Committee...Record of The Garhwal Sub-Committee Enquiry (Part II) Exhibits. [Lucknow]. [Printed by Pt. Manna Lall Tewari, at the Hari Krishna, ... More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 32232
Printed for John Bell, 1781.
First edition.
iv, [1], 28-72, xii, [4], [1], 6-25pp. Partially misbound. With a tipped-in errata slip. Nineteenth century calf-backed marbled paper boards, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. Extremities rubbed. Extensive contemporary manuscript notes to margins, title page and terminal leaf (G1) laid-down, occasional short tears touching text (without loss of sense), majority of leaves later repaired/reinforced at gutter with paper (at times obscuring manuscript notes), spotted. More >
£ 2,500.00
Antiquates Ref. 28228
[G. Humphrey, 1817-27]
Oblong folio.
Expertly recased in original patterned paper wrappers, title label to upper wrapper. Fifty-one etched caricatures (on 35 sheets), uncoloured. Worn, with creasing (and consequent tear to upper wrapper), and loss to extremities. Plates heavily toned and spotted. Ten plates laid-down on slightly later paper backing, the final nine sheets with a small pieced hole, affecting images. Two of the plates which have been laid down ... More >
£ 2,500.00
Antiquates Ref. 30267
[vs.], [1870s]
52 playbills loosely inserted into contemporary gilt-stamped green cloth binding (removed from an edition of The Graphic Theatrical Programme). All clean and crisp, save for the occasional short marginal tear. More >
£ 2,500.00
Antiquates Ref. 29738
Archibald Constable and Company, 1905.
First edition.
[4], 311pp, [1]. Original publisher's red cloth, lettered in gilt to spine. Rubbed and marked with bumping to corners. Darkening to spine and damp staining to fore edge of upper board.
[With:] [Two manuscript autograph lectures, delivered at University College London in March and November of 1905]. Each 22ff sewn. Slightly marked. More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 32041
[With:] [Two manuscript autograph lectures, delivered at University College London in March and November of 1905]. Each 22ff sewn. Slightly marked. More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 32041
Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, [1806-1812]
Vol. I. fifth edition; Vol. II third edition; Vol. III, first edition.
In three volumes. [4], 410; xi, [1], 478; xxxi, [1], 314pp, [6]. With half-titles to Vols. I and II, three terminal leaves of publisher's advertisements to Vol. III. Contemporary panelled calf, later rebacked, contrasting black morocco lettering-pieces. Boards rubbed, corners exposed. Scattered spotting. Inked ownership inscriptions of Robert Milligan to titles of Vols. II and III, manuscript notes to front and rear blank fly-leaves of ... More >
£ 2,500.00
Antiquates Ref. 29991
[s.n.], [c. 1850-71]
Manuscript on paper. [115] leaves. Numerous press-cuttings and ephemeral articles pasted in. Recent half-calf, navy cloth boards, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. A trifle rubbed. Very occasional light spotting.
[Loosely inserted:] FAIRLESS, Joseph. A guide to the abbey church, &c., at hexham, northumberland. Hexham. Edward Pruddah, 1853. First edition. 16pp. Disbound. Adhesive residue to spine. More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 26586
[Loosely inserted:] FAIRLESS, Joseph. A guide to the abbey church, &c., at hexham, northumberland. Hexham. Edward Pruddah, 1853. First edition. 16pp. Disbound. Adhesive residue to spine. More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 26586
Imprinted at London.
for John Wright at the Kings Head in the Old Baily, 1657.
Second edition.
[16], 186pp, [6]. Occasional pencilled highlighting to text. ESTC R27215. USTC 3073182. Wing B3373.
[Bound after:] [DAVIES, Sir J.] A discoverie of the true causes why ireland Was never entirely Subdued, nor brought under Obedience of the Crowne of England, Untill the Beginning of His Majesties happie Raigne. Printed exactly from the Edition in 1612. London. Printed for A. Millar, opposite Katharine Street in the ... More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 31288
[Bound after:] [DAVIES, Sir J.] A discoverie of the true causes why ireland Was never entirely Subdued, nor brought under Obedience of the Crowne of England, Untill the Beginning of His Majesties happie Raigne. Printed exactly from the Edition in 1612. London. Printed for A. Millar, opposite Katharine Street in the ... More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 31288
Printed and sold by T. Vigurs, [1821].
First edition.
[Bound with:] BARRINGTON, [Daines]. [Drop-head title:] III. Mr. Barrington on some additional Information relative to the Continuance of the Cornish Language. In a Letter to John Lloyd, Esq. F. A. S. Read March 21, 1776. [s.i.], [s.n.], [1776]. 81-86pp. ESTC T190832.
[And:] [Drop-head title:] An Excellent New Ballad entitled The Cripple of Cornwall, Wherein is shewn his dissolate Life and deserved Death. To the ... More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 29383
[Bound with:] BARRINGTON, [Daines]. [Drop-head title:] III. Mr. Barrington on some additional Information relative to the Continuance of the Cornish Language. In a Letter to John Lloyd, Esq. F. A. S. Read March 21, 1776. [s.i.], [s.n.], [1776]. 81-86pp. ESTC T190832.
[And:] [Drop-head title:] An Excellent New Ballad entitled The Cripple of Cornwall, Wherein is shewn his dissolate Life and deserved Death. To the ... More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 29383
[C. Bretherton], [1782-84]
31 etchings on thick laid paper, each sheet 170 x 245 mm, bound together in early powder blue limp paper boards. Extremities rubbed, marked, and damp-stained, faint inked inscription to upper board. Etchings damp-stained, all with contemporary marginal inked inscriptions identifying the subject. More >
£ 2,500.00
Antiquates Ref. 30552
[s.n.], [1828-29]
Manuscript of paper. [74]pp. Contemporary roan, later rebacked. Boards heavily rubbed. Internally clean and crisp. More >
£ 2,500.00
Antiquates Ref. 29310
William Heinemann Ltd, 1926.
First edition, new impression.
116pp [6]. Original publisher's salmon cloth boards lettered in gilt, with the cream dustwrapper printed in red. Bottom edge uncut. New impression without the expurgated eight lines of an intimate scene. Internally bright and clean, endpapers a little toned, inscribed to FFEP by Henry Williamson to his wife for Christmas 1926. Spine slightly cocked, cloth faded. Wrapper toned and marked with some loss.
[With:] World ... More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 27924
[With:] World ... More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 27924
Printed for Tho. Bowles, 1726.
First edition.
[2], 127pp, [1]. Bound by Kerr & Richardson of Glasgow in nineteenth-century brown morocco-backed marbled paper boards, lettered in gilt to spine. A trifle rubbed, corners bumped. Very occasional light spotting or marking, title trimmed at lower-edge. Book-label of J. R. P. Forrest to FEP. More >
£ 2,500.00
Antiquates Ref. 27128
Printed for Robert Boulter, 1674.
First edition.
[38], 201, 200-201pp, [5]. Without initial blank (A1), but with two terminal advertisement leaves. Contemporary blind panelled calf, rebacked, with gilt tooling and remains of a morocco lettering-piece to spine. Worn and rubbed; with surface loss to joints and corners, chipping to head and foot of spine, and lettering-piece, upper board detached. Later endpapers, with pencilled notes regarding the text, some browning and spotting to ... More >
£ 2,500.00
Antiquates Ref. 28721
In the Savoy: Printed by Edw. Jones, 1694/5 [i.e. 1695]
4pp. Imprint from colophon. Dated according to Lady Day dating. A rare variant of ESTC R37350 - under title on p.1: 'March 2. 1694/5 I do appoint Edward Jones to print this account of the proceeding. Norfolke, and Marshall.' Two copies are recorded in the British Isles (Advocates and NLS), and none elsewhere. ESTC R177184, Wing F1582A.
[Bound with:] The Form of the Proceeding to ... More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 27792
[Bound with:] The Form of the Proceeding to ... More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 27792
Printed for T. Gardner, 1739.
First edition.
23pp, [1]. With a half-title. ESTC records copies at two locations in the British Isles (Guildhall and Oxford), and none elsewhere. ESTC T177449.
[Bound with:] [TRENCHARD, John]. An argument, Shewing, that a Standing Army Is inconsistent with A Free Government, and Absolutely destructive to the Constitution of the English Monarchy. London. [s.n.], Printed in the Year 1697. iv, 30pp, [2]. With a terminal advertisement leaf. ... More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 22717
[Bound with:] [TRENCHARD, John]. An argument, Shewing, that a Standing Army Is inconsistent with A Free Government, and Absolutely destructive to the Constitution of the English Monarchy. London. [s.n.], Printed in the Year 1697. iv, 30pp, [2]. With a terminal advertisement leaf. ... More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 22717
Printed for W. Innys, 1717.
First edition.
[16], xxxv, [1], 123, 122-441, 552, 455- 464pp, [4]. With two terminal advertisement leaves. Contemporary gilt-tooled, blind-panelled polished calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, small shelf-label to head of spine. A trifle rubbed, slightly chipped at head, else a fine copy. The Macclesfield copy, with the armorial 'North Library' bookplate (shelf-mark 45.C.29) and typical armorial blind- stamps to title page and first two leaves of text, ... More >
£ 2,500.00
Antiquates Ref. 19580