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English Books

WORDSWORTH, William. Ode on the Installation of His Royal Highness Prince Albert as Chancellor of the University of Cambridge. London. Printed, by permission, by Vizetelly Brothers and Co., [1847]. First edition. Quarto. [6]pp. Text printed within illuminated borders, printed in crimson, blue, and gold. With an engraved plate depicting 'H.R.H. Prince Albert, in his Robes as Chancellor of the University of Cambridge'. Sewn, as issued, in original publisher's printed white glazed wrappers. Extremities a trifle marked and dust-soiled. Bookplate of Robin de Beaumont to verso of upper wrapper, scattered spotting. More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 31110
[RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY]. Out on the Rocks, and other picture stories. London. Religious Tract Society, [1882-1888] [12]pp.

[Together with:] The Singing Boys, and other picture stories. London. Religious Tract Society, [1882-1888]. [12]pp.

[And:] Willing hearts, and other picture stories. London. Religious Tract Society, [1882-1888]. [12]pp.

[And:] The Young Gardener, and other picture stories. London. Religious Tract Society, [1882-1888]. [12]pp.

[And:] If I was a lady, and other picture stories. London. Religious Tract Society, [1882-1888]. [12]pp.

[And:] The donkey-race, and other picture ... More >
£ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 25804
POYER, John. The history of barbados, from the first discovery of the island, in the year 1605, till the accession of lord seaforth, 1801. London. Printed for J. Mawman, 1808. First edition. Quarto. xxix, [7], 8, [2], 9-668pp. With a list of subscribers. Bound by W. & G. Baird of Belfast in later half-calf, brown cloth boards, contrasting red calf lettering-piece. Minor shelf-wear. Endpapers browned, binder's ticket and armorial bookplate of Anglo-Irish British Army officer and politician Hugh McCalmont (1845-1924) to FEP, very occasional light spotting. More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 30178
THOMPSON, George. Prison life and reflections; or, a narrative of the arrest, trial, conviction, imprisonment, treatment, observations, reflections, and deliverance of work, burr, and thompson, who suffered an unjust and cruel imprisonment in missouri penitentiary, for attempting to aid some slaves to liberty. New York. Printed by S. W. Benedict, 1848. Second edition. 12mo. 377pp, [1]. Original publisher's blind-stamped brown cloth boards, recently rebacked with black cloth ruled and lettered in gilt. Boards rubbed and marked. Scattered spotting. Presentation copy, pencilled inscription to recto of front blank fly-leaf: 'From / the Author / G. T. - / Dec. 4/48'. More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 29936
[STEVENSON, Alan]. The british pharos; or a list of the lighthouses on the coasts of great britain and ireland, descriptive of the appearance of the lights at night. For the use of mariners. Leith. Published and Sold by W. Reid & Son, 1831. Second edition. 8vo. xvi, 118pp. Original publisher's glazed cloth, printed paper lettering-piece to spine. Rubbed to extremities and bumped to corners, short splits and chips at head and foot of spine. Inscribed 'From the Commissioners of the Northern Lighthouses' to FFEP, and with printed note regarding the mooring of a 'Floating Light the North End of Haisborough Sand' pasted to FEP. More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 31285
DALRYMPLE, Campbell. A military essay. Containing reflections on the Raising, Arming, Cloathing, and Discipline of the British Infantry and Cavalry; with Proposals for the Improvement of the same. London. Printed for D. Wilson, 1761. First edition. 8vo. In two parts. xx, 389pp, [3]. With a half-title and nine engraved folding plates. Contemporary tree-calf, later rebacked, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. A trifle rubbed. Half-title, title page, and two terminal leaves browned. More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 22803
DARLING, James. Catalogue of books belonging to Sir William Heathcote, baronet, at Hursley Park, in the county of southampton. James Darling, Bookseller, 22 little Queen Stret. Lincolns Inn Fields, 1834. First edition. Quarto. viii, 154pp, [2]. With terminal blank. Original publisher's blind-tooled green textured cloth, titled in gilt to spine. Rubbed, with spine panel lacking the top half, and the remainder split from lower joint, bumping to corners and slightly, slightly marked. Ink-staining to fore- edge. Presentation copy, inscribed to 'The Honble. Mr Justice Coleridge' at Hursley in 1839, by William Heathcote to verso of FFEP. More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 24960
[LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND BROWN]. A catalogue of valuable and rare Old Books, including many superb works, illustrated by numerous prints, offered to the public at the prices affixed to each, by longman, hurst, rees, orme, and brown, paternoster-row, london. [London?]. [s.n.], [1814]. Quarto. In six parts, [2], 23; 20; 41; 28; [29-]80; [21]. Contemporary sprinkled half-calf, marbled boards, later rebacked preserving contemporary back-strip, all edges red. A trifle rubbed. Scattered spotting.

Comprising: [1] A catalogue of very curious and rare books, in uncommon fine condition, and the greater part in handsome bindings (May 7th, 1813; 396 lots); [2] A catalogue of rare, curious and valuable books, many of ... More >
£ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 21082
LEDIARD, Thomas. The naval history of england, In all its branches; from the norman conquest In the Year 1066. to the Conclusion of 1734... London. Printed for John Wilcox...and Oliver Payne, 1735. First edition. Folio. Two volumes bound as one. iv, [24], xii, 394, [2], 395-933pp, [1]. Printed in double columns. With an engraved portrait frontispiece and a terminal page of publisher's advertisements. Contemporary gilt-ruled speckled calf. Without lettering-piece. Rubbed, boards held by cords only, wear to head of spine. Light damp-staining to head of text-block, loss to lower corners of leaves 5S2 and 10G2, ink stains to p.159, very ... More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 15611
[BRITISH SOVEREIGNS]. Explanation to the Royal Game of British Sovereigns; exhibiting The most remarkable Events in each Reign, from egbert the first king, to that of his present majesty. London. Printed for E. Wallis, [s.d., c. 1820] Second edition. 12mo. 35pp, [1]. Stitched within original publisher's wrappers. Some marking and dog-earing.

[With:] The Royal Game of British Sovereigns exhibiting The most remarkable events in each Reign from Egbert to George III. London. Published by J. & E. Wallis, [s.d.] Hand-coloured, elaborately engraved folding sheet, mounted on linen. A trifle marked, with repaired tears to verso.

The whole contained within original publisher's slipcase, with hand-coloured engraved ... More >
£ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 28160
[DICK WHITTINGTON]. The history of Sir Richard Whittington, and his cat. Showing How from a poor Country Boy, destitute of Parents of Relations, he attained great Riches, and was promoted to the high and honorable Dignity of lord mayor of london. Conventry. Printed and Sold by N. Merridew, [s.d., c. 1830] 16mo. 30pp, [2] Wrappers included in pagination. With a woodcut frontispiece to verso of upper wrapper and eight woodcut illustrations in the text. Original publisher's pictorial powder blue wrappers. Rubbed, marked, and creased. Very occasional chipping to margins. Early ownership inscriptions of Dorothy and Eliza Baker to upper and lower wrappers, frontispiece, title page, and pages 23 and 30. More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 28857
[RICHARDSON, Thomas]. A natural history of british beasts and birds. Derby. Printed and published by Thomas Richardson, [s.d., c.1830] 31pp, [1]. Wrappers included in pagination. With a woodcut frontispiece and numerous woodcut illustrations in the text.

[Together with:] Select pieces for the nursery. Derby. Printed and published by Thomas Richardson, [s.d., c.1830]. 31pp, [1]. Wrappers included in pagination. With a woodcut frontispiece and numerous woodcut illustrations in the text.

[And:] Nursery rhymes. Derby. Printed by and for Thomas Richardson, [s.d., c.1830]. 31pp, [1]. Wrappers ... More >
£ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 26051
[EYTON, Phil]. [A manuscript copy of Francis Sandford's manuscript facsimiles of British Pedigrees]. [s.l.]. [s.n.], [s.d., c. 1790s] Folio. Manuscript on paper. 38 leaves, text on rectos only. [a further 29 blank leaves]. Paper watermarked Durham & Co. Contemporary marbled boards, recently expertly rebacked and recornered in calf, housed in modern custom grey cloth slipcase. Boards rubbed. Internally clean and crisp. Inked inscription to front pastedown of 'Phil Eyton', who is most likely the author. With a fragment from Sandford's original loosely inserted. More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 19395
[FREEMASONRY]. The pocket manual, or free-mason's guide to the science of freemasonry, in three parts: containing A Syllabus of the Lectures, and a particular Detail of the Subjects treated in each Section: with Many interesting Remarks, Charges, &c. suited to the different Degrees. London. Printed by T. Chapman, 1790. First edition. 18mo. Part one only, all published? xii, 59pp, [1]. Interleaved throughout. Contemporary gilt-tooled calf, housed in contemporary gilt-tooled calf slipcase. Lightly rubbed and marked, slipcase heavily worn, with substantial loss. Marbled endpapers, very short tear to head of title page, else internally clean and crisp. More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 27875
NAPIER, Major-General Sir W. F. P. History of the war in the peninsular and in the south of france, from the year 1807 to the year 1814. London. Published for the proprietor by Barthes & Lowell, 1876. New edition, revised by the author. 8vo. In six volumes. With 55 engraved plates. Contemporary richly gilt-tooled tree-calf, contrasting red and green morocco lettering-pieces, marbled edges, 'Ex munificentia alumnorum oratorii' in gilt to upper boards. Some rubbing to spines, cracking to joints, a little chipping to head and feet of spines.. Marbled endpapers, internally clean and crisp. Prize plate to FEP of Vol. I, with inked inscription: 'George Pereira / Second Prize ... More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 27994
BARKER, John. The treasury of fortification. Wherein That art is made Intelligible to the Meanest Capacity; and the several Methods of Fortifying, according to the late most Approved Engineers in Europe, Explained... London. Printed for A. Bosvile...and Jeffery Wale, 1707. First edition. 8vo. [40], 252pp. With an engraved portrait frontispiece (depicting Queen Anne), a further 12 engraved plates (some folding), two folding table (included in pagination), and four leaves of publisher's advertisements bound following the tables of contents. Contemporary panelled calf, tooled in gilt and blind, morocco lettering-piece. Rubbed, lightly marked. Recent armorial bookplate of sportsman and explorer Hugh Cecil Lowther, fifth Earl of Lonsdale (1857-1944) to FEP More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 22732