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English Books - Pre-1700

[ACTS - England and Wales, Commonwealth]. An Act for an assessment at the rate of one hundred and twenty thousand pounds by the moneth for six moneths, from the twenty fifth day of December 1653. to the twenty fourth day of Iune then next ensuing; towards the maintenance of the armies and navies of this Commonwealth. . London. Printed by John Field, 1653. Folio. [2], 263-339pp, [1]. Also issued as part of a through-paged folio set, though this uncut copy was clearly part of the separate issue. Armorial woodcut to title. Uncut. Disbound, with remains of original stitching. First and final leaves dust-soiled, final leaf detached, margins frayed, occasional spotting, later inscription 'one of these in catalogue' to head of title. More > £ 300.00 Antiquates Ref. 12372
ATKYNS, Sir Robert. An enquiry into the power of dispensing with penal statutes. Together with some Animadversions upon A Book writ by Sir Edw. Herbert, Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, entituled, A Short Account of the Authorities in Law, upon which judgment was given in Sir Edward Hales's Case. London. Printed for Timothy Goodwin, 1689. First edition. Folio. [2], 58pp, [2]. Without initial advertisement leaf or terminal blank leaf. Stitched in recent tan paper wraps. Minor wear to extremities. Sporadic light foxing and dust-soiling, occasional chipping to margins, marginal loss to final leaf, very small hole to text of final leaf - touching two characters on p.57 and one on p.58 with no loss of sense. More > £ 125.00 Antiquates Ref. 11242
A TRUE CATHOLICK OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND [i.e. HICKES, George]. Speculum Beatae Virginis. A discourse of the Due Praise and Honour of the virgin mary. London. Printed, and are to be Sold by Randal Taylor, 1686. Second edition. [6], 42pp. ESTC R18597, Wing H1870.

[Bound with:] ON OF THE ROMAN COMMUNION [i.e. WIDENFELDT, Adam]. Wholsome advices from the Blessed Virgin, to her Indiscreet Worshippers. London. Printed for Randal Tayler, 1687. First edition. [20], 20pp. With an initial imprimatur leaf. ESTC R18760, Wing W2090A.

Quarto. Modern brown cloth. Bookplate of Eric Gerald Stanley to FEP, very occasional ink-spotting. More >
£ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 29729
BARROW, Isaac. A treatise of the Pope's Supremacy. To which is added a discourse Concerning The Unity of the Church. London. Printed by Miles Flesher, for Brabazon Aylmer, 1680. First edition. Quarto. [8], 428, [2], 49pp, [1]. Title page in red and black. 'A discourse concerning the unity of the Church' (Wing B932) has separate title page and pagination beginning quire 4A. Without portrait frontispiece. Contemporary blind-ruled calf, later rebacked. Extremities worn, upper joint split, upper board held by two cords only. Bookplate of the Bath Reference Library to FEP, upper corner of text-block damp-stained, foxed. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 15438
BASSET, William. A sermon at the Warwick-shire meeting, November 25, 1679. At S. Mary-le-Bow in Cheapside, London. London. Printed for T. Basset, 1679. First edition. Quarto. [8], 26pp. Nineteenth-century green half-morocco, red paper boards, lettered in gilt. Rubbed and marked, slight loss to head and foot of spine. Leaves toned/foxed, slight shaving to upper margins - catching running-title at times, very small holes to gutter of titlepage and fore-edge of leaf C1. From the Bloxham bequest, Rugby School, parts of which recently dispersed, with two bookplates to FEP. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 18900
BAXTER, Richard. Reliquiae Baxterianae: or, Mr. richard baxter's narrative of The most Memorable Passages of his life and times. Faithfully Publish'd from his own Original Manuscript, By matthew sylvester.. London. Printed for T. Parkhurst, J. Robinson, J. Lawrence, and J. Dunton, 1696. First edition. Folio. [28], 448, 200, 132, [2], 18pp, [6]. Partially misbound. 'Elisha’s cry after Elijah’s God consider’d and apply’d', (Wing S6330) has separate dated title page, pagination and register. With an engraved portrait frontispiece. Contemporary blind-ruled speckled calf, later rebacked, lettered in gilt to spine. Rubbed, joints starting, loss to head of spine. Armorial bookplate of Gaddeson Park Library to FEP, latter half of text-block browned and ... More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 25926
[BESONGNE, Nicholas]. The present state of France. Containing a general description of that kingdom... London. Printed for Gilbert Cownly, 1687. 12mo. [10], 516pp, [12]. Recent blue cloth, lettered in gilt. Very minor wear to extremities. Recent bookplate and ink shelf marks of the Bath Municipal Reference Library to front endpapers, with their occasional embossed stamps throughout, coloured pencil annotation and spots of soiling to title, else a crisp copy. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 14303
[BIBLE - English, Authorized 'King James' Version]. The holy bible, containing the old Testament and the New... London. Printed by Robert Barker, 1634. [16], 904pp. Printed in black letter. Double columns. With a map of Canaan. Horizontal tear to general title, ink stains to p.535 - touching text with some loss of sense.

[Bound after:] The booke of Common Prayer, and the Administration of the Sacraments, And other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England. London. Robert Barker, 1634. [96]pp. Title page laid down - loss to ... More >
£ 1,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 30903
BILSON, Thomas. The true difference betweene christian subjection and unchristian rebellion; wherein the princes lawfull power to commaund for trueth, and indeprivable right to beare the sword are defended against the Popes censures and the Jesuites sophismes uttered in their Apologie and defence of english catholikes... At Oxford. Printed by Joseph Barnes Printer to the Universitie, 1585. First edition. 8vo. [24], 820pp, [10]. Recently neatly recased, with seventeenth-century calf boards-covering and spine laid down. Slightly rubbed with some darkening to spine. A little marginal creasing at front and end, old worm-track to blank fly-leaves and margin of title, not touching text. More > £ 2,000.00 Antiquates Ref. 28247
BOATE, Gerard. Irelands naturall history. Being a true and ample Description of its Situation, Greatness, Shape, and Nature; Of its Hills, Woods, Heaths, Bogs, Of its Fruitfull Parts and profitable Grounds, with the severall ways of Manuring and Improving the same. With its Heads or Promontories, Harbours, Roads and Bays; Of its Springs and Fountains, Brooks, Rivers, Loghs; Of its Metalls, Mineralls, Freestone, Marble, Sea-coal, Truf, and other things that are taken out of the ground... Imprinted at London. for John Wright at the Kings Head in the Old Baily, 1657. Second edition. 8vo. [16], 186pp, [6]. Occasional pencilled highlighting to text. ESTC R27215. USTC 3073182. Wing B3373.

[Bound after:] [DAVIES, Sir J.] A discoverie of the true causes why ireland Was never entirely Subdued, nor brought under Obedience of the Crowne of England, Untill the Beginning of His Majesties happie Raigne. Printed exactly from the Edition in 1612. London. Printed for A. Millar, opposite Katharine Street in the ... More >
£ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 31288
BOSSUET, James Benigne. An exposition Of the doctrine of the Catholic Church In Matters of controversie. London. Printed by Henry Hill, 1686. [8], 20, 55pp, [1]. Wing B3784A.

[Bound with:] [WAKE, William]. An exposition of the doctrine of the Church of England, in the Several Articles proposed by Monsieur de meaux, Late Bishop of Condom, in his Exposition of the Doctrine of the Catholick Church... London. Printed for Richard Chiswell, 1686. [4], xxxvi, 87pp, [1]. With an initial imprimatur leaf. Wing W243.

[And:] [GILBERT, John]. An answer ... More >
£ 750.00 Antiquates Ref. 22521
BRAUNIO, Johanne. Bigdê Kohanîm id est, vestitus sacerdotum hebraeorum... Amstelodami [i.e. Amsterdam]. Veneunt apud Janssonio Waesbergios, Danielem Elsevirium, Viduam J. à Someren, et Henr. & Theod. Boom, 1680. First edition. Quarto. In two volumes. [58], 430, [36]; [5], 432-940pp, [48]. First two words of title transliterated from the Hebrew. With an additional engraved title page to Vol. I., 11 full-page engravings in the text, and five engraved plates (one folding). Latter vellum-backed paper boards, contrasting red and black morocco lettering-pieces. Rubbed and a trifle marked. Occasional worm-tracks to margins, scattered foxing/browning. From the Rugby School library, ... More > £ 750.00 Antiquates Ref. 24400
BRENT, Nathanael. The historie of the councel of trent... London. Printed by Bonham Norton and John Bill, 1629. Second edition. Folio. [12], 881 [i.e. 879]pp, [17]. Contemporary blind-ruled sprinkled calf. Rubbed, marked, and scored, wear to head of spine, corners exposed. Pastedowns sprung, without free-endpapers. More > £ 500.00 Antiquates Ref. 30967
BURNET, Gilbert. A Vindication of the authority, constitution, and laws of the church and state of scotland. In four conferences. Wherein the Answer to the Dialogues betwixt the Conformist and the Non-con-formist, is examined. Glasgow. Robert Sanders, Printer to the City, and University, 1673. First edition. 8vo. [26], 102, 133-362, [2], 125pp, [1]. Contemporary blind-ruled calf, modern black calf lettering-piece. Heavily rubbed and marked, joints split, insect damage to foot of spine. Armorial bookplate of the Earls of Hopetoun and later book- label of Mr. William Macmath to FEP, paper repair to head of FFEP, contemporary inked ownership inscription to head of title, slight loss to lower corner of L4. More > £ 625.00 Antiquates Ref. 30432
[CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY]. Hymenaeus Cantabrigiensis. Cantabrigiae, [i.e. Cambridge]. Ex Officina Johannis Hayes, celeberrimae Academia Typographi, 1683. First edition. Quarto. [136]pp. Without A1, as issued. Recent blue half-morocco, buckram boards, titled in gilt to spine. Marbled endpapers, A.E.G. Spine a trifle browned, else a fine copy. With an early manuscript verse in 12 lines, entitled 'Variatio martialis' to blank fly leaf at end. More > £ 500.00 Antiquates Ref. 15006