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English Books - Pre-1700

[HALLYWELL, Henry]. RUST, George. The remains of that Reverend and learned Prelate Dr. George Rust, Late Lord Bishop of Dromore, in the Kingdom of Ireland. Collected and Published By Henry Hallywell. London. Printed by M. Flesher, for Walter Kettilby, 1686. First edition. Quarto. [16], 64, 73-80pp. Text continuous despite pagination. Recent blind-ruled calf. Lightly rubbed and sunned. Leaves toned, minute marginal wormtrack. Book-label of John Stephens to FEP. More > £ 375.00 Antiquates Ref. 21086
GODOLPHIN, John. Repertorium canonicum: or, an abridgment of the Ecclesiastical Laws of this realm, Consistent with the temporal... London. Printed by the Assigns of R. and E. Atkins, Esquires, for Christopher Wilkinson, 1687. Third edition, corrected. Quarto. [4], 88, [2], 652, [34], 20pp. With an initial imprimatur leaf. Contemporary calf, tooled in gilt and blind, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. Rubbed, spine dulled, several very small worm-holes to lower board. Recent armorial bookplate of John Holden to recto of FFEP, small worm-track to latter half of text-block at foot, primarily marginal, touching text at times without loss of sense. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 28445
FALKNER, William. Libertas Ecclesiastica, or, a discourse, Vindicating the lawfulness of those things, which are chiefly excepted against in the Church of England, especially in its liturgy and worship. And manifesting their agreeableness with the Doctrine and practice both of Ancient and Modern Churches. London. Printed by J[ohn] M[acock] for Walter Kettilby, 1674. First edition. 8vo. [16], 552pp. With an initial imprimatur leaf. Handsomely bound in contemporary panelled calf, richly tooled in gilt, gilt supra libros of The Society of Writers to the Signet to both boards, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, A.E.G.. Lightly rubbed, slight loss to foot of spine. Marbled endpapers, recent bookplate of Robert J. Hayhurst to FEP, printed shelf-label to verso of FFEP, very small hole to text ... More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 16389
FAIRFAX, N[athaniel], M.D.. A treatise of the bulk and selvedge of the world. Wherein The greatness, littleness and lastingness of bodies are feely Handled. With an Answer to Tentamine de Deo, By. S.P. D.D.. London. Printed for Robert Boulter, 1674. First edition. 8vo. [38], 201, 200-201pp, [5]. Without initial blank (A1), but with two terminal advertisement leaves. Contemporary blind panelled calf, rebacked, with gilt tooling and remains of a morocco lettering-piece to spine. Worn and rubbed; with surface loss to joints and corners, chipping to head and foot of spine, and lettering-piece, upper board detached. Later endpapers, with pencilled notes regarding the text, some browning and spotting to ... More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 28721
FAIRFAX, John. [GREEK TITLE]; or, The true Dignity of St. Paul's elder, Exemplified in the life Of that Reverend, Holy, Zealous, and Faithful Servant, and Minister of Jesus Christ Mr. Owen Stockton, M.A. Sometimes Fellow of Gonville and Caius Colledge in Cambridge, and afterward Preacher of Gods Word at Colchester in Essex... London. Printed by H.H. for Tho. Parkhurst.., 1681. First edition. 8vo. [14], 149, [3], 151-196pp, [4]. Later blind-tooled and panelled calf, titled in gilt to spine. Rubbed to extremities, joints, small chip at head of spine. Some some shaving of pagination/headlines and register/catchwords, browned and with some occasional ink-stains; tear without loss to B6 at head. With the bookplate of Fairfax of Cameron to FEP and an old Pickering and Chatto catalogue entry tipped in noting ... More > £ 1,250.00 Antiquates Ref. 28718
[ENGLISH THEATRE]. Timoleon: or, The Revolution. A Tragi-Comedy. London. Printed by W. Onley, for John Sturton, 1697. First edition. Quarto. [8], 80pp. Later half-vellum, marbled boards, contrasting black morocco lettering-piece. Extremities lightly rubbed and discoloured. Leaves browned/foxed, later inked annotation to title-page. More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 19290
DU MOULIN, Peter. A vindication of the sincerity of the Protestant Religion In the Point of Obedience to sovereigns. Opposed To the Doctrine of Rebellion, authorised and practised by the Pope and the Jesuites. In Answer to a Jesuitical Libel, Entituled philanax anglicus. London. Printed for Benjamin Took, 1679. Fourth edition. Quarto. [24], 148, [2], 14pp. Recent black cloth, lettered in gilt. Very minor wear to extremities. Recent endpapers, presentation bookplate to FEP; 'This Volume forms part of the Tottenham Library, which was purchased by general subscription, as a testimonial to the memory of the late Revd. Edward Tottenham, B.D., to be held in perpetual trust for the public benefit of the City of Bath. December, 1853', ... More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 15433
DRAYTON, Michael. England's Heroical Epistles, written In Imitation of the Stile and Manner of Ovid's Epistles: with annotations of The Chronicle History. London. Printed for S. Smethwick, [c.1695]. 8vo. [8], 225pp, [1]. Without frontispiece. Recent calf-backed decorated paper boards, gilt. Very minor wear to extremities. Ink inscriptions to title, browning to all leaves, occasional spots of dust-soiling and light marginal damp-staining, loss of characters 'h' and 'i' of 'white' on p.199. More > £ 350.00 Antiquates Ref. 13209
[DE BRITAINE, William]. Humane Prudence, or the art By which a Man may Raise Himself and Fortune to Grandeur. London. Printed by J. Rawlins, for R. Sare, 1693. Sixth edition, corrected and enlarged. 12mo. [12], 284pp. Without the two terminal advertisement leaves. Later half-calf, marbled boards, recently rebacked with earlier contrasting red morocco lettering-piece laid down. Ink inscription to FEP reading 'George Hanaway Jolliffe 6th November, 1906', title-page remounted at gutter (somewhat naively), small hole to same with loss to text of imprint. More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 12770
[CRICKET]. D'URFEY, Thomas. The Richmond Heiress: or, a Woman Once in the Right . A comedy, acted At the theatre royal, By Their Majesties Servants. London. Printed for Samuel Briscoe, 1693. First edition. Quarto. [8], 32, 29-36, 41-64pp. Complete despite erratic pagination. Variant setting, the title page has 'Royal' spelled correctly and 'by Mr. D'Urfey', the line beneath the author statement is unbroken, the stage direction reads to leaf H4v reads 'Cunnington'. Recent calf-backed, tan cloth boards, lettered in gilt. Light shelf-wear. Leaves toned, small burn-hole to leaf C2, short tear to leaf F3 (touching text without loss), occasional ... More > £ 500.00 Antiquates Ref. 19458
COWLEY, Abraham. The works of Mr Abraham Cowley. Consisting of Those which were formerly Printed: and Those which he Design'd for the Press: Now published out of the Authors original copies. London. Printed by J. M. for Henry Herringham, 1684. Eighth edition. [2], xl, 41, [1], 80, [4], 58, 61-70, 154, 23, [1], 148pp. Complete despite erratic pagination. With an engraved portrait frontispiece.

[Bound with:] COWLEY, Abraham. The second part of the works of Mr. Abraham Cowley. Being what was Written and Published by himself in his younger years. And now Reprinted together. London. Printed by Mary Clark, for Charles Harper, 1684. Fifth edition. [8], 161pp, [1]. ... More >
£ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 11736
COTTON, Charles . The wonders of the peake. London. Printed for Charles Brome, 1699. Fourth edition. 8vo. [4], 86pp. Later panelled sprinkled calf, expertly rebacked to style, contrasting red calf lettering-piece. Lightly rubbed and scored. Spotting to endpapers, early ink ownership inscription to head of title. More > £ 375.00 Antiquates Ref. 26420
CHAUNCY, Isaac. The Divine Institution of Congregational Churches, Ministry and Ordinances, [As has bin Professed by those of that Persuasion] Asserted and Proved from the word of god. London. Printed for Nathanael Hiller.., 1697. Sole edition. 12mo. xii, 142pp. Contemporary gilt-ruled calf. Worn, with loss to spine, splitting to joints (but with boards holding firmly), some marking to boards, damp-staining, some browning and occasional marginal worming to text-block. Early ink inscription ('John Stacy his book') to FFEP, further pencilled inscription to FEP. More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 15245