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English Books - 1801 onwards

[BIRMINGHAM]. A concise history of Birmingham, containing an account of its ancient state, and the latest improvements: together with a statement of the arrival and departure of the mails, stage coaches, waggons, &c. &c. The whole forming a complete guide to the inhabitant and stranger. Birmingham. Printed by and for R. Jabet...and J. P. Lucas, 1808. Fourth edition. 8vo. xviii, 78pp. With an engraved folding map bound as frontispiece, and three engraved plates. Original publisher's printed paper boards, later rebacked in grey cloth. Rubbed, with some surface loss, corners bumped. Hinges exposed, ink ownership inscriptions to FEP of 'John Turner' and 'H. R. Brownwich / 1886', else internally clean and crisp. More > £ 125.00 Antiquates Ref. 14294
HERTSLET, Lewis. A complete collection of the treaties, and reciprocal regulation, at present subsisting between great britain & foreign powers, and of the laws, decrees, and orders in council, concerning the same; so far as they relate to commerce and navigation, to the repression and abolition of the slave trade; and to the privileges and interests of the subjects of the high contracting parties. London. Henry Butterworth, 1827. 8vo. In three volumes. vi, 408; vi, 395, [1]; xii, 575, [1], 8pp. Contemporary brown morocco, tooled in gilt and blind, later rebacked, A.E.G. Rubbed and marked. Recent shelf-label of Peter A. Crofts to FFEP of Vol. II, More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 27371
HORNE, Thomas Hartwell. A compendious introduction to the study of the Bible. London. Printed for T. Cadell, 1842. Seventh edition, corrected and enlarged. 8vo. xiv, [2], 569pp, [1]. With three engraved folding maps and six engraved vignettes. Handsome contemporary City of London School prize binding, richly gilt-tooled green calf, gilt supralibros to upper board, contrasting red calf lettering-piece, marbled edges. Rubbed, spine sunned, corners bumped. Marbled endpapers, inked prize inscription to recto of front blank fly-leaf, plates browned. More > £ 75.00 Antiquates Ref. 24912
GRESWELL, Rev. W[illiam]. A commentary on the order for the burial of the dead, considered as a manual of doctrine and consolation to christians. Oxford. Printed by S. Collingwood...For J. G. & F. Rivington, 1836. First edition. 8vo. In two volumes. xix, [1], 340; vii, [1], 353, [1], 16pp. With a terminal publisher's advertisement catalogue to Vol. II. Unopened in original publisher's blind-stamped brown cloth, lettered in gilt. Lightly rubbed, spines sunned. Internally clean and crisp. More > £ 75.00 Antiquates Ref. 28075
OLIVER, William. A collection of local songs, poems, &c. &c. Newcastle. Printed by Edward Walker, 1829. 8vo. 70pp, [2]. With a half-title. Original publisher's powder blue paper boards, later rebacked to style. Rubbed and marked, corners exposed. Recent book-label of J. O. Edwards to FEP, very occasional spotting. More > £ 200.00 Antiquates Ref. 19787
RICHARDSON, Charles. Aceldama and other poems and lyrics. London. Simpkin and Marshall, 1851. First edition. 8vo. xvi, 292pp. Original publisher's blind-stamp brick red cloth, lettered in gilt to spine. Lightly rubbed, spine dulled. Recent inked ownership inscription to recto of FFEP, scattered spotting. More > £ 75.00 Antiquates Ref. 32265
[LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND BROWN]. A catalogue of valuable and rare Old Books, including many superb works, illustrated by numerous prints, offered to the public at the prices affixed to each, by longman, hurst, rees, orme, and brown, paternoster-row, london. [London?]. [s.n.], [1814]. Quarto. In six parts, [2], 23; 20; 41; 28; [29-]80; [21]. Contemporary sprinkled half-calf, marbled boards, later rebacked preserving contemporary back-strip, all edges red. A trifle rubbed. Scattered spotting.

Comprising: [1] A catalogue of very curious and rare books, in uncommon fine condition, and the greater part in handsome bindings (May 7th, 1813; 396 lots); [2] A catalogue of rare, curious and valuable books, many of ... More >
£ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 21082
[EDWARDS, James]. A catalogue of the valuable library of james edwards...which will be sold by auction, On wednesday April 5, 1815, and the Five following Days (Sunday excepted.) by r. h. evans... [London]. Printed by W. Bulmer and Co., 1815. 8vo. [4], 47pp, [1]. With three engraved folding plates. Modern marbled paper wrappers, printed paper lettering-piece to upper panel. Very minor shelf-wear. Priced throughout in manuscript, each entry accompanied by the name of the purchaser. More > £ 500.00 Antiquates Ref. 20294
[CUTHELL AND MARTIN]. A catalogue of books, for the year 1807, in various languages, and classes of literature; on sale, for ready money, By cuthell & martin, middle row, holborn. London. Printed by E. Blackader, [1807]. 8vo. In two parts. [4], 155, [1], 201-540, 16pp. Complete despite erratic pagination. Contemporary half-calf, marbled boards, tooled in gilt and blind. Without lettering-piece. Extremities worn, upper board held by two of three cords only. Naive paper repair to gutter of title page. More > £ 375.00 Antiquates Ref. 27391
GREEN, J[ohn] H[ippisely]. A catalogue and Description of the whole of the works of the celebrated jacques callot; consisting of 1450 pieces, including those attributed to him, and after him... London. Printed by J. Barfield, 1804. First edition. 12mo. xx, 51, [1], 4pp. With an engraved portrait frontispiece and two terminal leaves of publisher's advertisements. Contemporary gilt-ruled half-calf, marbled paper boards. Rubbed, a trifle marked. Later bookplate of Bristol-based painter William Edkins to FEP, recent bookplate of Winifred M. Oliver-Jones to REP. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 31031
MORGAN, Lady [Sydney]. Absenteeism. London. Henry Colburn, 1825. First edition. 8vo. [3], vi-xix, [1], 160pp, [8]. With four final leaves of publisher's advertisements. Without half-title. Contemporary half-calf, marbled boards, gilt. Extremities rubbed. More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 23272