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Continental Books

RASK, Rasmus. Angelsaksisk sproglaere tilligemed en kort laesebog. Stokholm. Trykt paa Mag. Wiborgs Forlag i det Hedmanske Bogtrykkeri, 1817. First edition. 8vo. [8], 44, 168pp. Contemporary calf, tooled in gilt and blind, gilt supralibros of Francis Egerton to boards, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, marbled edges. Rubbed and scored, spine chipped and dulled. Marbled endpapers, recent bookplate of Eric Gerald Stanley to FEP, scattered spotting. More > £ 200.00 Antiquates Ref. 20307
[MOULIN, Lewis du]. Jugulum causae, seu nova, unica, compendiaria, & una propemodum periodo comprehensa, ratio: per quam totus doctrinarum Romanensium complexus, de quibus lis est inter Protestantes & pontificios, & unà papa, ejusque imperium, funditus evertuntur. [s.i.]. Juxta exemplar Londinense, 1671. First edition. 8vo. 317, [39], 396pp, [2]. In two parts, 'Jugulum cauae, seu nova & expeditissima ratio', has a separate dated title page and separate pagination. Contemporary calf, tooled in gilt and blind. Extremities worn, joints split. Very small hole to title page, later armorial bookplate of Algernon Capell to verso. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 23978
VOSSIUS, Gerardus Joannes. Dissertationes tres de tribus symbolis, apostolico athanasiano, et constantinopolitano. Amsteldaedami, [i.e. Amsterdam]. Ex Typographeio Joannis Blaeu, 1662. Second edition. Quarto. [8], 103pp, [5]. Contemporary English blind-ruled speckled calf. A crisp copy, a trifle rubbed to extremities, small patches of worming to lower joint and edges of upper board. Pastedowns sprung, with the twentieth-century book-plates of Robert J. Hayhurst and Ely Cathedral Library to verso of upper board, the latter obscuring an earlier book-label in the style of Ely donation labels, but with text obscured, featuring ... More > £ 750.00 On Sale: £ 500.00 Antiquates Ref. 16019
[ITALIAN LITERATURE]. [A collection of 21 Italian pamphlets, on various subjects, printed mostly in Milan, Venice, Florence, and Ferrara]. [vs.]. [vs.], [1822-1848] In four volumes.

Vol. I:

Sopra il nuovo libro intitolato delle origini italiche Letterea di Risposta di un vecchio ad un giovine amico. Brescia. Tipografia Venturini, 1841. 72pp.

[Bound with:] Al consigliere gaetano pinali epistola di caterina bon brenzoni. Verona. Dalla stamperia Libanti, 1844. 18pp, [2]. With a lithographed frontispiece.

[And:] Memoire relative al monumento emo esistente nell' arsenale di venezia opera dell' immortale antonio ... More >
£ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 25067
LEO VI. Trattato brieve dello schierare in ordinanza gli eserciti et dell' apparar ecchiamento della guerra, Di Leone, per la Gratia di Dio Imperatore... In Venetia [i.e. Venice]. Appresso Francesco de' Franceschi Senese, 1586. Quarto. [40], 344 [i.e. 346]pp. Contemporary vellum, contrasting black calf lettering-piece. Marked and discoloured, old vellum repair to head of wormed spine. Hinges exposed, naive paper extensions to shaved margins of leaves Hh1-4. From the library of Giovanni Domenico Berio, marchese di Salza (d. 1791), which passed to his son, author and librettist Francesco Maria Berio (1765-1820), with their 'Ex Libris Marchionis Salsae' armorial bookplate on ... More > £ 1,250.00 Antiquates Ref. 22668
PANEGYRICI VETERES. Panegyrici veteres interpretatione et notis illustravit jacobus de la baune soc. jesu. jussi christianissimi regis. ad usum serenissimi delphini. Parisis, [i.e. Paris]. Apud Simonem Benard, 1676. First Delphine edition. Quarto. [24], 350 [i.e. 346], [160]. With terminal blank u4, and engraved frontispiece (by Louis Cossin) and occasional engraved vignette medallions within the text. Contemporary gilt-tooled calf, rubbed, with splitting to joints (although boards remain strongly attached) and bumping to corners. Some browning to endpapers, occasional spotting and marking to text. Edward Gibbon's copy, with his (first) armorial bookplate to FEP, in addition to the inscriptions ... More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 19470
[BIBLE - N.T., Hebrew]. [New testament in Hebrew]. Londini [i.e. London]. Typis excudebat A. Macintosh, 1817. 8vo. 246 leaves. Contemporary vellum, title in manuscript to spine. Marked and discoloured. Without rear blank fly-leaf, scattered spotting. With a cancelled German library stamp to title. Inked inscription to recto of front blank fly-leaf: 'To Mr. Seligman from Joseph Wolff'. More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 27476
HOBBES, Thomas. Leviathan, sive De Materia, Forma, & Potestate civitatis ecclesiasticae et civilis. Amstelodami [i.e. Amsterdam]. Apud Joannem Blaeu, 1670. First separate Latin edition. Quarto. [4], 365pp, [15]. Later full vellum, contrasting red calf lettering-piece, all edges red. Extremities discoloured and lightly rubbed. Later paper repair to verso of front blank fly-leaf, early manuscript note to recto: 'Leviathan / Thomae Hobbesii / Malmesburiensis / Theomachi / pernicies juvenium, morum corruptela, / ingenioisima subtillissima omnis / religionis eversio diabolica. / Diaboli stercus. / Parve nec invideo, per me, liber, ibis in ... More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 27383
THOU, Jacques Auguste de. Memoires de la vie de jacques-auguste de thou. Conseiller d'etat et president a mortier au parlement de paris. Amsterdam. Chez Francois l'Honore, 1714. Nouvelle edition. 12mo. [46], 370pp. With an engraved portrait frontispiece and a further six engraved plates. Title in red and black. Contemporary gilt-tooled sprinkled calf, morocco lettering-piece, all edges red. Light rubbed and marked, upper joint starting. Recent book-labels of Lytton Strachey, Roger Senhouse, and Robert J. Hayhurst to FEP, paper repair to verso of title page, scattered spotting, brief pencilled notes in Strachey's hand to rear pastedown. More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 14631
SUETONIUS. Caius suetonius tranquillus Cum Annotationibus diversorum. Oxonii [i.e. Oxford]. Typis G. Hall pro R. Blagrave, 1661. 12mo. 369pp, [13]. Contemporary blind-ruled sheep. Heavily worn, loss and worming to spine, upper board detached. Inked ownership inscription (dated 1793) of Church of Scotland minister and historian William Robertson (1721-1793) to recto of FEP, early ownership inscription to head of title, occasional light spotting. More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 22132
VERTOT, René Aubert de, abbé. Origine de la grandeur de la cour de rome: et de la nomination aux eveche's et aux abbaïes de france. A la Haye [i.e. The Hague]. Chez Jean Neaulme, 1737. First edition. [4], 244pp, [2]. With two final leaves of publisher's advertisements. Title in red and black.

[Bound with:] Recueil de plusieurs pieces, contenant les secrets les plus cachées des jesuites. Cologne. Chez Charles Marteau, 1733. First edition. [16], 160pp. Unpaginated preliminaries partially misbound.

12mo and 8vo. Later calf-backed speckled paper boards, morocco lettering-piece, gilt. Later recased. Extremities worn, upper joint split, loss to spine caps. Early ... More >
£ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 28444