A. Mondadori, [1930].
First edition.
426pp, [2]. With a photographic portrait frontispiece, a further 177 photographic plates. Without the geographical map. Later blue buckram, lettered in gilt. Original publisher's pictorial wrappers bound-in. A trifle rubbed, spine sunned. Armorial bookplate of Henry Courtney Brocklehurst to FEP. Presentation copy, inked inscription to recto of front blank fly-leaf: 'To Colonel Brocklehurst / who understands the charm / of Africa unsploit by white people ... More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 23734
En Amberes [i.e. Antwerp].
Por Henrico y Cornelio Verdussen, 1714.
[8], 336, 331-680pp, [2]. Text complete despite erratic pagination. Handsomely bound in nineteenth century russia, tooled in gilt and blind, A.E.G. A trifle rubbed and marked. Armorial bookplate in sanguine (superimposed on an earlier bookplate) of Thomas Merthyr Guest to FEP More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 23536
Romae [i.e. Rome].
Ex Typographia Reu. Camerae Apostolicae, 1627.
[8],160pp, [16]. Contemporary vellum, title in manuscript to spine. Extremities lightly marked and discoloured, later paper labels to foot of spine. Ink-stamp of the Lawes Agricultural Library to FEP and REP. More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 23154
Printed for Henry Sampson Woodfall, 1772.
First Woodfall edition, second issue..
In two volumes. [2], xxxii, vii, [1], 208; [2], 356pp, [38]. Without final blank leaf to index. Engraved title pages. A reissue of Woodfall’s first edition (ESTC T1830) with the addition of a table of contents and an index covering both volumes. Recent half-calf, brown cloth boards, gilt, A.E.G. A trifle marked. Marbled endpapers, very occasional light spotting. More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 23114
A Londres [i.e. London].
Chez M. Peltier, 1808.
In three volumes. [4], 383, [1]; [4], 421, [1]; [4], 442pp, [2]. With half-titles. Uncut in original publisher's powder blue wrappers, printed paper lettering-pieces. Housed in recent custom cloth case. A trifle marked, chipping/tearing to spines, cloth case sunned. Armorial bookplates of Maxwells of Kirkconnall, New Abbey, to versos of upper wrappers, very occasional light spotting. More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 22571
Londres [i.e. London].
Chez William Darton, [s.d., c.1824]
First edition in French.
36pp. With an engraved frontispiece and two further engraved plates. Original publisher's printed stiff yellow wrappers. A trifle rubbed and dust-soiled. Early inked ownership inscription to FEP, frontispiece foxed, else clean and crisp. More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 21364
London [and] Stuttgart Und Tubingen.
J. H. Bohte [and] in der J.G. Cotta'schen Buchhandlung, 1824 [and] 1823.
Oblong quarto.
Three volumes, within publisher's folder with paper title label. 10; [4], 11pp, [1]; 8 full-page engravings. Two text volumes sewn with small cloth strip glued to spine, the plates stitched, as issued. Occasional spotting. More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 20609
Ponthieu, 1822.
First edition.
[4], vii, [1], 75pp, [1]. With a half-title. Uncut in contemporary sponged wrappers, paper lettering-piece with title in manuscript to upper wrapper. Spine sunned. Internally clean and crisp. Presentation copy, inked inscription to head of half-title from the author to Madame La Duchesse de Raguse. More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 20485
A Paris.
Chez le Jay Librarie, [1769].
First edition.
[4], vii, [1], 94pp. With a half-title, an engraved titlepage, and three engraved plates. Contemporary gilt-tooled sheep, morocco lettering-piece. Extremities worn, some loss to foot of spine. Marbled endpapers, contemporary book-label of the Chez Bouvat Library, St. Petersburg to FEP, loss to gutter of front blank fly-leaf, contemporary inked ownership inscription to half-title, slight paper-flaw to border of one plate, twentieth-century Russian library stamp/label to ... More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 20055
Guillaumin et Cie, 1856.
First French edition.
[3], vi-xii, 168pp. With an engraved portrait frontispiece of the author. Without half-title. Contemporary gilt-ruled calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. Rubbed to extremities, short cracks to joints. Marbled endpapers, A.E.G. Presentation copy, inscribed 'Presented by the author to Miss Henderson Jan. 1. 1857' to blank fly-leaf. More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 19186
A Londres [i.e. London].
Chez J. Nourse & P. Elmsly, 1780.
Nouvelle edition [i.e. new edition].
[2], xlix, [1], 438pp, [2]. With a half-title and a table. Handsomely bound in contemporary gilt-tooled morocco, A.E.G. Very slight rubbing and marking to extremities. Marbled endpapers, contemporary armorial bookplate of Richard Langley to FEP, recent bookplate of Robert J. Hayhurst to recto of FFEP. More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 19055
A Hambourg [i.e. Hamburg].
Chez Maradan, 1788.
In two volumes. [5], viii-xvi, 262; [2], 299pp, [3]. Without half-titles. Contemporary calf, contrasting red and green morocco lettering-pieces, spines richly gilt. Extremities rubbed. Very occasional chipping/loss to margins, else internally clean and crisp. From the library of the Earls of Lovelace, formerly the Barons King of Ockham, with their armorial bookplates to FEPs, inked ownership inscriptions of William King, and recent ink-stamps of the ... More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 18534
Tipografia Adriano Salani, 1888.
19pp., [3]. Original wrappers with woodcut portrait of Salvatore Misdea. Small scattered spots, somewhat browned, edges uncut. More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 17793
Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1889.
Nouvelle edition revue et corrigee.
[4], xxxi, [1], 494pp. With half-title. Finely bound in red half morocco, gilt, buckram boards. Original printed paper wrappers bound in. George Meredith's copy, with his ink inscription to head of upper wrapper. A fine copy. More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 13298
Etonae, [i.e. Eton].
Excudit M. Pote, 1796.
Fifth edition.
iv, [2], 1-2, 7-148pp, 96pp only [i.e. sections of Homer's Odyssey, Hesiod and Theocritus excepted from the larger collection in both Greek and Latin, the former interleaved with blanks but lacking two printed leaves of the Odyssey]. Contemporary vellum, lettered in manuscript to spine. Marbled endpapers. Slightly rubbed and marked, text occasionally spotted. Bookplate of James Stewart to FEP, ink inscription to verso of FFEP, ... More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 12097
[s.n.], [1759].
3pp, [1]. Single folded sheet. Creased, margins a trifle chipped, ink-stamp of Furstlich-Starhemberg'sche Familien Bibliothek to head of p.1, later inked manuscript numerals to foot. More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 11737
Amstelodami [i.e. Amsterdam].
Apud Elzevirios, 1677.
352, 70pp, [10]. With an engraved title page, and engraved folding plate, and a folding table. Handsomely bound in eighteenth- century gilt-tooled calf, contrasting black morocco lettering-piece. Marbled endpapers, all edges blue. Extremities rubbed, slight chipping to head of spine. Armorial bookplate of Baptist May to verso of blank fly-leaf at front, internally clean and crisp. More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 11693
Por D. Antonio de Sancha, 1777.
Second edition.
xvi, 383pp, [1]. Contemporary Spanish cats-paw calf, gilt, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. Marbled endpapers. Slightly rubbed to extremities, minute wormhole to base of spine, occasional marking to text, else a fine copy. With the armorial bookplate of Robert Henry Clive to FEP. More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 11440
Oxonii [i.e. Oxford].
Excudebat L. Lichfield, Impensis Gulielmi Webb, 1637.
Editio secunda [i.e. second edition].
[6], 151pp, [1]. Recent calf-backed marbled paper boards, lettered in gilt. Extremities a trifle marked. Very small worm-trail to first two gatherings - just clipping text at times, without loss of sense, leaves trimmed with very occasional slight loss to catchwords. More >
£ 350.00
Antiquates Ref. 17307
Upsaliae, [i.e. Uppsala]..
Typis Joh. Henry. Werneri S:ae R:ae M:tis & Acad. Upsal. Typographi, 1706.
First edition.
[6], 74pp. With text in mixed Latin and Arabic type. Uncut and largely unopened, in later paper wrappers. Ink inscription to head of upper wrapper. More >
£ 350.00
Antiquates Ref. 15446