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Continental Books

MARY STUART. Lettres inedites de marie stuart, accompagnees de diverses depeches et instructions. 1558-1587. Publiees par le prince alexandre labanoff. Paris. Chez Merlin, 1839. 8vo. [3], viii-lix, [1], 344pp, [2]. With a terminal leaf of errata. Without half-title nor initial advertisement leaf. Contemporary calf, tooled in gilt and blind, contrasting brown morocco lettering-piece, marbled edges. Rubbed and marked. Marbled endpapers, remnants of excised bookplate to FEP. More > £ 75.00 Antiquates Ref. 12370
AUBERY DU MARIER, Louis. Memoires pour servir a l'histoire de hollande, et des autres provinces unies. Ou l'on verra les veritables causes des Divisions qui sont depuis soixante and dans cette Republique, & qui la menacent de ruine. Paris. Chez Jean Villette, 1680. [24], 436pp, [4]. Contemporary gilt-tooled sprinkled calf. Lightly rubbed and marked. Early manuscript shelf-marks and inked ownership inscription to front endpapers, very occasional light spotting. More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 19380
LENORMAND, Seb[astien]. Nouveau manuel complet du relieur en tous genres contenant les art de l'Assembleur, du Satineur, du Brocheur, du Rogneur, du Cartonneur, du Marbreur sur tranches et du Doreur sur tranches et sur cuir. Paris. Librairie Encyclopedique de Roret, 1890. 12mo. viii, 428pp. With four engraved folding plates. Original publisher's two-tone paper boards, printed paper lettering-piece to spine.Lightly rubbed and marked, spine dulled. Scattered spotting. More > £ 50.00 Antiquates Ref. 33027
ALPHEN, Mr. Hieronijmus van. Kleine gedichten voor kinderen. Utrecht. Bij de Wed. J. van Terveen en Zoon, 1787. 12mo. [2], 104pp. With a half-title, an engraved title page, and 66 engraved plates. Contemporary gilt-tooled half-calf, sprinkled paper boards. Rubbed and cocked, corners exposed. Scattered spotting. Preface warranted in manuscript by the publisher. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 32587
[ANCIENT GREECE]. Giuoco di carte storiche contenente un compendio dell'istoria greca... Milano [i.e. Milan]. G. Pirotta, 1815. Dimensions 70 x 100 mm. 48 numbered cards, each with an engraved portrait vignette. Housed in original publisher's printed buff card slipcase. Cards lightly dust- soiled, very small holes to 20 cards - occasionally touching text with slight loss of sense. Slipcase heavily worn and marked, without head and foot panels, title partially (incorrectly) restored in manuscript, pencilled numeral '19' to foot of title. More > £ 625.00 Antiquates Ref. 29666
HOMER. [The Iliad, in Greek]. Glasgaue, [i.e. Glasgow]. excudebant Robertus et Andreas Foulis, 1756. xi, [1], 312; [4], 336pp. ESTC T90244. marginal paper reapirs to 3K2 3T2; a2 4k1

[Bound with] HOMER. [The Odyssey, in Greek]. [8], 297, [1]; [4], 336pp. ESTC T90244.

Folio. Four volumes. Large paper copy, untrimmed, printed on writing demy folio paper, measuring 387 x 240mm, with the watermark of a fleur-de-lys within a crowned shield (Gaskell's no. 7). With half-titles to each volume, but ... More >
£ 6,250.00 Antiquates Ref. 28901
STOBAEUS. Dicta poetarum quæ apud io. stobæum extant emendata et Latino carmine reddita ab Hugone Grotio. Accesserunt Plutarchi et Basilii Magri de usu Græcorum poetarum libelli. Parisiis [i.e. Paris]. Apud Nicolaum Buon, 1623. First edition. Quarto. [40], 200, 564pp. Parallel Latin and Greek text. Later speckled calf, tooled in gilt and blind, contrasting green morocco lettering-piece. Rubbed, upper joint starting, corners bumped. Worm-track to lower margin, running throughout text-block, occasionally touching text. Later armorial bookplate of the Gaddesden library (and therefore likely previously in the library of English courtier, diplomat, and alchemist Thomas Henshaw (1618-1700), whose books had descended there via ... More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 32740
[DUTCH PRINTING]. Rechten ende costumen van antwerpen. [Amsterdam?]. Ghedruckt tot Ceulen, 1644. Quarto. [16], 232pp.

[Bound with:] Ordonnantie ende Verhael vanden Stijl / ende Maniere van Procederen voor Amptman / Burghemeester / ende Schepenen der Stadt van Antwerpen. [Amsterdam?] Ghedruckt in't Jaer Christi, 1644. 35pp, [1].

[And:] By-Voechsel Vande costumen van antwerpen. [Amsterdam?] Tot Ceulen in't Jaer Christi, 1644. 16pp.

[And:] Die bliide incomste den hertochdomme van Brabant in voortijden by haren Landtsheeren verleent... [Amsterdam?] Tot Ceulen in't ... More >
£ 1,250.00 Antiquates Ref. 29733
[GROSLEY, Pierre-Jean]. Memoires de l'academie des sciences, inscriptions, belles lettres, eaux arts, &c. Nouvellement établie à Troyes en Champagne. Troyes. Chez le Libraire de l'Académie, 1756. Second edition. 12mo. Two volumes bound as one. [2], iv, 140; [4], 156pp. With an engraved frontispiece. Contemporary gilt-tooled mottled calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, all edges red. A trifle rubbed. Marbled endpapers, later bookplate of Mr. Beaupré to FEP, scattered spotting. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 32797
RICCIOLI, Giovanni Battista. Prosodia reformata duobus tomis comprehensa Quorum Prior continet Prosodiae Rudimenta, Prosodiam Majorem, Poetarum versus plures quàm vigintiquatuormille, & eorundem Poetarum Tempora... Bononiæ [i.e. Bologna]. Hæredis Victorii Benatii, 1655. First edition. 12mo. In two volumes. [22], 180, 492; [610]pp. Handsomely bound in contemporary richly gilt-tooled mottled calf, contrasting red morocco lettering- piece, all edges red. Lightly rubbed, spines dulled. The Macclesfield copy, with the armorial 'North Library' bookplate and typical armorial blind-stamps to title page and initial leaves of text, pencilled shelf-marks to front endpapers. More > £ 750.00 Antiquates Ref. 31930
[RINK, Eucharius Gottlieb]. De veteris numismatis potentia et qualitate Lucubratio, occassione Rubrica Codicis de eodem Argumento; sive cognito totius rei numariae Ad intelligentiam iuris accomodata. Accessit dissertatio iuridica De numo unico, Cum multis aliis cognitioni Numorum conducentibus Veterum. Lipsiae & Francofurti [i.e. Leipzig and Frankfurt]. Typis & impensis Iodoci Wilhelmi Kohlesii, 1701. First edition. Quarto. [8], 197, [1], 86pp, [16]. With an engraved folding frontispiece and one further engraved plate. Later gilt- tooled sprinkled calf, brown morocco lettering-piece. Rubbed, upper joint split, head of spine worn. Armorial bookplate of R. W. Cochran Patrick to FEP, marginal loss to leaves G3 and I4, scattered spotting. More > £ 375.00 Antiquates Ref. 24044
[HOMMAGE AUX DAMES]. Hommage aux dames. London. John Letts, 1825. 12mo. [2], iv, 159, [1], 4, [40], 15pp, [1]. With an engraved frontispiece, an engraved title page, a further five engraved plates, and a tipped-in errata slip. Original publisher's printed pink paper boards. Housed in original publisher's red roan slip-case, paper labels with title and date in manuscript to left-hand side. Lightly rubbed and marked, slipcase heavily rubbed and discoloured. Early inked ownership inscription of M. ... More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 32766