A. Mondadori, [1930].
First edition.
426pp, [2]. With a photographic portrait frontispiece, a further 177 photographic plates. Without the geographical map. Later blue buckram, lettered in gilt. Original publisher's pictorial wrappers bound-in. A trifle rubbed, spine sunned. Armorial bookplate of Henry Courtney Brocklehurst to FEP. Presentation copy, inked inscription to recto of front blank fly-leaf: 'To Colonel Brocklehurst / who understands the charm / of Africa unsploit by white people ... More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 23734
Librairie Martignier et Chavannes, 1860.
First edition.
32pp. Original publisher's drab printed paper wrappers. Extremities lightly rubbed and dust-soiled. Inked ownership inscription to title. More >
£ 100.00
Antiquates Ref. 19038
Argraffwyd gan Richard Jones, 1808.
[Bound after:] OLIVERS, Thomas. Cyflawn wrthbrawf i'r athrawiaeth o barhad diammodol mewn gras: mewn ffordd o draethawd ar hebreaid 2. 3... Dolgellau. Argraffwyd gan Richard Jones, [s.d., c.1821]. 116pp.
[And:] GRIFFITH, John. Llythyr at y parchedig John Elias; yn cynnwys sylwiadau ar ei ragymadrodd i bregethau y diweddar Mr. Hurrion, ar brynedigaeth. Dolgellau. Argraphwyd dros yr awdwr, gan R. Jones, [1821]. 27pp, [1].
[And:] ... More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 17593
[Bound after:] OLIVERS, Thomas. Cyflawn wrthbrawf i'r athrawiaeth o barhad diammodol mewn gras: mewn ffordd o draethawd ar hebreaid 2. 3... Dolgellau. Argraffwyd gan Richard Jones, [s.d., c.1821]. 116pp.
[And:] GRIFFITH, John. Llythyr at y parchedig John Elias; yn cynnwys sylwiadau ar ei ragymadrodd i bregethau y diweddar Mr. Hurrion, ar brynedigaeth. Dolgellau. Argraphwyd dros yr awdwr, gan R. Jones, [1821]. 27pp, [1].
[And:] ... More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 17593
Bossange Freres, 1825.
First edition.
[4], xv, [1], 558pp. Contemporary gilt-tooled calf, marbled edges. A trifle rubbed. Marbled endpapers, internally clean and crisp. More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 24522
Oxoniae [i.e. Oxford].
e Theatro Sheldoniano...Prostant venales apud Sam. Wilmot Bibliopol. Oxon, 1729.
Editio secunda [i.e. second edition].
[8], 326pp, [32]. Contemporary blind-tooled calf. Rubbed and heavily marked. Pastedowns sprung, later inked ownership inscription to recto of FFEP, very occasional later inked annotations and highlights to text, else internally clean and crisp. More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 25104
Seewald, [1983].
First edition.
432pp. Original publisher's brown cloth, lettered in black to spine, printed paper dustwrapper. Very minor shelf-wear, dustwrapper lightly creased and marked. Internally clean and crisp. Presentation copy, ink inscription to title page: 'To my darling daughter Olga C. Clark from her loving Daddy Paris, 15.1.1984'. More >
£ 75.00
Antiquates Ref. 30674
Padova [i.e. Padua].
Nella stamperia del Seminario, 1799.
First edition.
xxviii pp. With an engraved plate. Later marbled wrappers. Leaves damp-stained. More >
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref. 23236
Chez. J. Debrett, 1796.
First edition.
Large paper copy. [2], xi, [1], 62pp. Without half-title. Contemporary richly gilt-tooled morocco, supralibros to boards, A.E.G. Rubbed, spine dulled. Very occasional light spotting. More >
£ 325.00
Antiquates Ref. 31640
A Paris...et reimprime a Londres.
Pour L. Deconchy, 1810.
Second edition.
xvi, 189pp, [1]. With a half-title. Contemporary gilt-ruled sprinkled calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. Lightly rubbed and marked. Loss to head of half-title, later printed paper label of 'Kilberry' to head of title page, scattered spotting. More >
£ 75.00
Antiquates Ref. 26200
Mechliniae [i.s. Mechelen].
H. Dessain, 1896.
Large 8vo.
xli, 502, 60, 24pp, [2]. With a half tile. Printed in red and black. Elaborately bound in contemporary richly gilt-tooled red morocco, device of seated christ proffering book with Greek letters alpha and omega within ornate border to both boards, A.E.G., with eight divisional red moire cloth tabs (one partially perished), gilt dentelles, decorated endpapers. Slightest of rubbing to extremities. Internally immaculate. More >
£ 1,250.00
Antiquates Ref. 28784
Olispone, [i.e. Lisbon].
Typographia regia, et privilegio, 1784.
[30], 672pp, cxlvi, [10], 58. Several engraved devotional images within pagination. Contemporary red morocco, richly gilt, marbled endpapers and gilt gauffered edges, yellow metal clasps. Rubbed, small incision to lower joint, paper label to upper board. Tears to FFEP, occasional marginal loss/tearing, some occasional marking. More >
£ 1,750.00
Antiquates Ref. 14409
Heidelbergae [i.e. Heidelberg].
Apud Ieronymum Comelinum, 1594.
[32], 458pp, [22]. Contemporary blind-tooled calf. Extremities worn, loss to spine. Hinges exposed, without pastedowns/free-endpapers, early ownership inscriptions of George and John Risley to title page. More >
£ 450.00
Antiquates Ref. 20065
Londini [i.e. London].
Ex Officina J. Redmayne, [1657].
First London edition.
[12], 479pp, [1]. With two folded leaves of tables. Contemporary calf, contrasting red calf lettering-piece. Extremities heavily rubbed, upper joint split. Early inked ownership inscription of James Ellis to recto of FFEP. More >
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref. 19417
A Paris.
Chez Buisson, 1791.
First edition.
In two volumes. [2], xxxii, 484; [2], 571pp, [1]. Recent navy cloth, lettered in gilt. Very minor wear to extremities. Recent bookplate, ink shelf marks, and paper slips of the Bath Municipal Reference Library to blank fly-leaves, with their occasional embossed stamps throughout, neat ink annotation to Vol. I title, lightly foxed. More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 14494
A Paris.
Chez Buisson et al., 1793.
First edition.
In three volumes. [4], viii, 495, [1]; [4], 478; [4], 480pp. With half-titles. Recent brown cloth, lettered in gilt. Very minor wear to extremities. Recent bookplate, ink shelf marks, and paper slips of the Bath Municipal Reference Library to blank fly-leaves, with their occasional embossed stamps throughout, lightly foxed. More >
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref. 14497
Chez Jean Villette, 1680.
[24], 436pp, [4]. Contemporary gilt-tooled sprinkled calf. Lightly rubbed and marked. Early manuscript shelf-marks and inked ownership inscription to front endpapers, very occasional light spotting. More >
£ 150.00
Antiquates Ref. 19380
Londres [i.e. London].
Chez Robinson, 1784.
First edition.
[2], ii, 208pp. Contemporary navy calf, richly tooled in gilt and blind, marbled edges. Lightly rubbed, spine dulled. Marbled endpapers, internally clean and crisp. From the library of the Dukes of Portland, with their Crowned P device to upper board, and further shelf-marks in gilt to spine. More >
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref. 29784
[s.n.], 1775.
499pp, [1].
[Bound with:] BEAUMARCHAIS, [Pierre-Augustin] Caron de. Memoire pour Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais. Paris. [s.n.], 1775. xiv, [1], 16-143pp, [1].
12mo. Contemporary speckled calf, morocco lettering-piece, spine richly gilt. Rubbed, chipping to lettering-piece, loss and worming to head of spine, joints split, boards held by cords only. Marbled endpapers, later bookplates of Roger Senhouse and John Fowles to FEP, inked ownership inscription to title ... More > £ 125.00 Antiquates Ref. 21599
[Bound with:] BEAUMARCHAIS, [Pierre-Augustin] Caron de. Memoire pour Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais. Paris. [s.n.], 1775. xiv, [1], 16-143pp, [1].
12mo. Contemporary speckled calf, morocco lettering-piece, spine richly gilt. Rubbed, chipping to lettering-piece, loss and worming to head of spine, joints split, boards held by cords only. Marbled endpapers, later bookplates of Roger Senhouse and John Fowles to FEP, inked ownership inscription to title ... More > £ 125.00 Antiquates Ref. 21599
Chez Francois l'Honore, 1714.
Nouvelle edition.
[46], 370pp. With an engraved portrait frontispiece and a further six engraved plates. Title in red and black. Contemporary gilt-tooled sprinkled calf, morocco lettering-piece, all edges red. Light rubbed and marked, upper joint starting. Recent book-labels of Lytton Strachey, Roger Senhouse, and Robert J. Hayhurst to FEP, paper repair to verso of title page, scattered spotting, brief pencilled notes in Strachey's hand to rear pastedown. More >
£ 450.00
Antiquates Ref. 14631
Chez le Libraire de l'Académie, 1756.
Second edition.
Two volumes bound as one. [2], iv, 140; [4], 156pp. With an engraved frontispiece. Contemporary gilt-tooled mottled calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, all edges red. A trifle rubbed. Marbled endpapers, later bookplate of Mr. Beaupré to FEP, scattered spotting. More >
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref. 32797