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Continental Books

MATTHAEUS, Antonius. De judiciis disputationes septendecim... Trajecti ad Rhenum [i.e. Utrecht]. Typis Joannis a Waesberge, 1645. Editio Secunda [i.e. second edition]. 12mo. [16], 380pp. With an additional engraved title. Contemporary vellum with title in gilt to spine. Some minor spots of soiling but overall well preserved. Armorial bookplate of Los Angeles Law Library to FEP, tear to bottom edge of FFEP, loss to head of *4, ink annotation to margin of p.39, lightly foxed throughout. More > £ 200.00 Antiquates Ref. 12254
DUCLOS, [Charles Pinot]. Memoires secrets sur les regnes de Louis XIV et de Louis XV. A Paris. Chez Buisson, 1791. First edition. 8vo. In two volumes. [2], xxxii, 484; [2], 571pp, [1]. Recent navy cloth, lettered in gilt. Very minor wear to extremities. Recent bookplate, ink shelf marks, and paper slips of the Bath Municipal Reference Library to blank fly-leaves, with their occasional embossed stamps throughout, neat ink annotation to Vol. I title, lightly foxed. More > £ 125.00 Antiquates Ref. 14494
DE LA HODE [LA MOTHE]. Histoire des Revolutions de France, ou l'on voit comment cette monarchie s'est formee, & les divers changemens qui y sont arrivez par rapport a son Etendue & a son gouvernement... A La Haye [i.e. The Hague]. Chez Pierre Gosse, & Adrien Moetjens, 1738. First edition. 12mo. In four volumes. [10], 383, [1]; [2], 576; 370; [2], 520pp. Title-pages in red and black. Recent brown cloth, lettered in gilt. Very minor wear to extremities. Recent bookplate, ink shelf marks, and paper slips of the Bath Municipal Reference Library to blank fly-leaves, with their occasional embossed stamps throughout, lightly foxed. More > £ 200.00 Antiquates Ref. 14496
GORANI, Joseph. Memoires secrets et critiques des cours, des gouvernements, et dens moeurs des principaux etats de l'Italie. A Paris. Chez Buisson et al., 1793. First edition. 8vo. In three volumes. [4], viii, 495, [1]; [4], 478; [4], 480pp. With half-titles. Recent brown cloth, lettered in gilt. Very minor wear to extremities. Recent bookplate, ink shelf marks, and paper slips of the Bath Municipal Reference Library to blank fly-leaves, with their occasional embossed stamps throughout, lightly foxed. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 14497
[MAISTRE, Joseph de]. Du pape. A Lyon; A Paris. Chez Rusand; Chez Beauce-Rusard, 1819. First edition. 8vo. In two volumes. xlii, [2], 400pp, [4]; [3], 402-685pp, [3]. With a half-title to each volume. Uncut in original decorated paper wrappers. Rubbed, slight surface loss and tearing. Internally clean and crisp but for occasional light browning. More > £ 125.00 Antiquates Ref. 11900
[GOETHE], ARNIM, Bettina von. Goethe et Bettina correspondance inedite de Goethe et de Mme Bettina d'Arnim. Traduit de l'allemand par Seb. Albin. Paris. Au Comptoir des Imprimeurs Unis, 1843. First French editon. 8vo. Two volumes bound as one. [2], xvi, 348, [4], 364pp. Recent navy morocco backed mottled boards. Minor wear to extremities. Marbled endpapers, title-page laid-down due to tearing, loss to bottom corner of p.195-6, second half-title with repaired tear, some minor browning thought overall clean. More > £ 100.00 Antiquates Ref. 13989
MULDER, Claas. Over eenen zoogenaamden zwavelregen in Mei 1826 in Vriesland Gevallen. Te Amsterdam. Lodewijk van Es, 1827. First edition. 8vo. [2], 38pp. Uncut in original publisher's plain green paper wraps. Author and publication date in manuscript to upper wrap, slight wear and soiling. Occasional spots of foxing, ink -stamps of the Royal Meteorological Society to upper wrap and title. Ink inscription to head of title (Presentation?) More > £ 75.00 Antiquates Ref. 13430
RAPIN DE THOYRAS, [Paul de]. Dissertation sur les whigs et les torys. A La Haye. Chez Charles le Vier, 1717. 8vo. [8], 162pp. Title in red and black. Contemporary calf, gilt. Without lettering-piece, rubbed, joints starting, slight loss to head and foot of spine. Marbled endpapers, light damp-staining and occasional spots of foxing throughout, loss to bottom margin of B2, not affecting text. From the library of Hugh Selbourne, with small ink-stamps to verso of title and occasionally to margins. More > £ 100.00 Antiquates Ref. 13388
GROSCLAUDE. Les gaietes de l'annee (deuxieme annee). Paris. Librairie Moderne, 1887. 8vo. [4], 310pp, [2]. With numerous illustrations in the text by Caran d'Ache. Contemporary navy half-morocco, marbled boards, gilt, original publisher's illustrated paper wraps bound-in. Minor wear to extremities, spine sunned. Marbled endpapers, occasional spots of foxing. More > £ 50.00 Antiquates Ref. 13400
OZANAM, M. [Jacques]. La geometrie theorique et pratique, qui contient La Geodesie ou division des Champs...La Planimetrie ou mesure des Surfaces, & son application a l'Arpentage. Et la Stereometrie ou mesure des Solides, avec son usage pour le Toise & pour la Jauge. A Paris. Chez Claude Jombert, 1720. 8vo. [8], 321pp, [1]. With 24 engraved plates illustrating numerous geometric constants. Attractively bound in recent calf-backed marbled boards. Some marginal foxing to prelims., otherwise an exemplary copy. More > £ 300.00 Antiquates Ref. 11862
BRANT, Sebastian. Titulorum omnium juris tam civilis, quam canonici expositiones, Sebastiano Brant. I.V. Doctore celeberrimo, Autore. His accessit Modus studendi in utroque iure per loannem Baptistam Caccialupum. Omnia ad vetustorum exemplarium sidem nune ultimum diligentissime repurgata: adiectis insuper ad singulos Titulos suis numeris. Lugduni [i.e. Leiden]. Apud Haeredes Gulielmi Rouillii, 1619. 8vo. 469pp, [36]. Contemporary vellum, title in manuscript to spine. Extremities rubbed and soiled. Ink inscriptions and annotations to recto of FFEP and title, slight loss to top of title with red and green ink marks to margins, all leaves toned and foxed, lower hinge cracked, loss to blank REP. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 12190
DUCRAY-DUMINEL, M. [Francois-Guillaume]. Victor, ou l'enfant de la foret. A Paris. Chez le Prieur, Libraire, [1798]. Third edition. 12mo. Four volumes. 242, [2]; 257, [1]; 275, [1]; 325pp, [1]. With half-title and engraved frontispiece to each volume. Finely bound in contemporary red half-morocco over marbled boards, gilt. Slightly rubbed to spines, bumping to corners. Marbled endpapers. Early ink inscription of E. Matheiu to head of each title, occasional marginal loss to text blocks. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 11086
GRAILE, John. Sacra privata In duas Partes distributa: quaram una Tractatum continet de Religiosa Solitudine, Privatis Precibus aliisque Officiis piis, cum Doctrinae Studio conjungendis. Altera Varias id genus Preces, Literatorum (in primis Juniorum) Pietati augendae destinatas. Londini, [i.e. London]. Typis J.L. Impensis autem Gualteri Kettilby, 1699. First edition. 8vo. [16], 141, [7], 183pp, [3]. Without terminal blank leaf. Contemporary panelled sheep. Rebacked in later calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, gilt. Rubbed, with loss to extremities. Some loss and perforation to FFEP, small paper flaws to E3 and G4 with slight loss of text. Ink inscriptions of Hugo Pigot to FEP (dated 1710) and title, with latin motto inscribed to FFEP. More > £ 200.00 Antiquates Ref. 11482