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Continental Books

FENWICK, Made. [Eliza]. Leçons pour les enfans: ou premiers élémens de morale, de politesse, et de sensibilité. London. Printed for M. J. Godwin and Co., 1820. First edition in French. 12mo. In four parts. [2], 39, [1], 38, 40, 41pp, [1]. Numerous woodcut vignettes in the text. Contemporary sprinkled sheep. Heavily rubbed, boards held by cords only, surface loss to spine. Internally clean and crisp. William St Clair's copy, with his distinctive pencilled ownership inscription and manuscript notes to front endpapers. More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 31327
[BIBLE, Greek - Septuagint]. He Palaia Diatheke kata tous Hebdomekonta. Vetus Testamentum ex versione Septuaginta interpretum, secundum exemplar Vaticanum Romae editum, denuo recognitum. Praefationem una cum variis lectionibus, e praestantissimis Mss. codicibus Bibliothecae Leidensis descriptis, praemisit David Millius. Trajecti ad Rhenum [i.s. Utrecht]. Apud Guilielmum vande Water et Jacobum van Poolsum, 1725. First Millius edition. 8vo. In two volumes. [138], 24, 903, [1]; [2], 928pp. Titles in red and black. Text printed in double columns. Contemporary gilt-tooled calf, marbled edges. Extremities rubbed, wear to head and foot of both spines, Vol. I without lettering-piece, lettering-piece of Vol. II chipped. Ink library stamps and recent bookplates of R. A. Levisson to both FFEPs, scattered spotting. More > £ 375.00 Antiquates Ref. 30436
[BIBLE - French]. La Sainte Bible, qui contient L'Ancien et le Nouveau Testament. A Amsterdam. Chez Pierre Mortier, [1699]. Nouvelle edition reveu sur les textes Hebreux & Grecs par les Pasteurs et Professeurs de Geneve. 12mo. Signatures: A-3O6, 3P2. Without the New Testament (A-S6, T10), clearly never bound into this volume. With an engraved general title page. Contemporary richly gilt-tooled black calf, A.E.G. Extremities rubbed. Marbled endpapers, margins closely trimmed - occasional shaving to chapter titles at head, horizontal tear and partial naive paper repair to leaf T4 - touching text without loss of sense. More > £ 500.00 Antiquates Ref. 30415
[FONTAINE, Nicolas]. [LE MAISTRE DE SACY, Isaac-Louis]. L'histoire du vieux et du nouveau testament, Representée avec des figures et explications edifiantes, tirées des SS. Peres. Dédiée à Monseigneur le Dauphin. Par le Sieur de Royaumont, Prieur de Sombreval. Paris. Chez Pierre le Petit, 1712. Nouvelle edition [i.e. new edition]. Quarto. [16], 552pp. Title in red and black. With 267 engraved illustrations in the text. Contemporary gilt-tooled calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. Extremities heavily rubbed. Pastedowns sprung, short tear to lower corner of leaf Ii1, very occasional light spotting. More > £ 375.00 Antiquates Ref. 31647
MICHAELIS, Gustav. Meine Erinnerungen an Josef Kainz. [Nowawes, Th. Steiner], 1930. First edition. Private printing. 8vo. 243pp. With a photographic frontispiece. Original publisher's gold cloth, stamped in gilt and green, top-edge green. Boards and all edges a little foxed, spine worn. A little toned throughout. Presentation inscription to FFEP: 'He who has a God given gift has everything. – To us God’s gifts go not to Emperors [and] Kings but to artists who are the heaven-sent Princes of the World.” (Written ... More > £ 100.00 Antiquates Ref. 31239
VINAVER, Michel. Iphigenie Hotel. Paris. Gallimard, 1963. First edition. 8vo. 208pp. Partially unopened in original publisher's printed wrappers. Contemporary address to front verso wrap. Inscribed on the half-title: 'a Laurence Olivier hommage de M Vinaver'. More > £ 75.00 Antiquates Ref. 31425
BUCHANAN, George. Georgii buchanani scoti Poetae eximii Franciscanus & fratres, Quibus accessere varia eiusdem & aliorum Poemata aquorum & titulos & nomina NVI. indicabit pagina. Eiusdem Psalmos seorsim non fine accessione excudit. Basileae Rauracorum [i.e. Basle]. Thomas Guarinus Nervius, [1568]. First edition. 8vo. [16], 319, 176, 143pp. Finely bound in eighteenth-century, gilt-tooled, blue-ruled vellum, likely English Marbled endpapers. A little marked and faded, else a handsome copy with very occasional annotations in an early hand to the first section of this work. Joseph Brereton's copy, with the later bookplate of Rev. John Stirton. In addition to adding several bibliographical details, including that 'the learned Mattaire' in 'his Annales ... More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 29226
PADOVANI, G[eronimo]. Saggio sulla storia antica d'inghilterra dall'invasione di giulo cesare fino a quella di guglielmo il conquistatore. Corfù. [s.n.], 1826. First edition. Quarto. [8], 99pp, [3]. Contemporary half-calf, marbled paper boards, later rebacked partially preserving contemporary backstrip. Rubbed. Later inked ownership of 'Geo: Gibson' to FFEP, very occasional light spotting. Presentation copy, inked inscription to recto of FFEP: 'Doto dall autore al Rev. Sigr. Crozier'. More > £ 750.00 Antiquates Ref. 29934
CIRLOT, Juan Eduardo.. Lucio Fontana. Barcelona. Editorial Gustavo Gili, [1966]. Small 4to. 59pp. Original publisher's black cloth, lettered in pink, with original publisher's photographic dustwrapper. Boards sharp, wrapper a little nicked and marked. Presentation inscription to FFEP: 'For Sir Laurence Olivier with my greatest admiration.' More > £ 125.00 Antiquates Ref. 31209
CONSTANTIN-WEYER, Maurice. LONGWORTH CHAMBRUN, Clara, comtesse de Chambrun. Le grand will: drame historique en 3 actes. Paris. Les Éditions de la Nouvelle France, 1945. First edition. 8vo. 244pp [8]. Partially unopened in original publisher's brown wrappers, printed inn black with pink and burgundy detail. A little faded, with some creasing to the sunned spine. Toned evenly throughout. Inscribed to FFEP: 'à Lawrence Olivier – hommage d’admiration et de reconnaissance. Longworth Chambrun Paris Juillet 1945.' More > £ 275.00 Antiquates Ref. 31394
HORACE, Quintus Flaccus. Quinti horatii flacci opera. Londini, [i.e. London]. Aeneis Tabulis Incidit Johannes Pine, 1733-1737. First Pine edition. 8vo. In two volumes. [30], 264, [2]; [24], 94, [2], [95]-152, [2], [153]-172, [2], [173]-19pp, [15]. Engraved throughout, each volume with a large engraved frontispiece (that to Vol. I trimmed and laid down) and numerous vignette initials and head/tail pieces, several of which occupying a full page. Finely bound in eighteenth century English gilt- tooled crushed red morocco for Thomas Pearson, with a poppinjay atop a ... More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 28894
[FRENCH COLONIES]. Notices statistiques sur les colonies françaises. Imprimées par ordre de m. le vice-amiral de rosamel, ministre secrétaire d'état de la marine et des colonies. Paris. Imprimerie Royale, 1837-40 8vo. Four separately issued parts. In four volumes. [4], iii, [1], 248; [6], 271, [1]; [4], ii, 320; [4], 216pp. Uncut and largely unopened in modern navy cloth, contrasting black calf lettering-pieces. Remnants of original publisher's printed wrappers laid down and bound in. Extremities a trifle rubbed and marked. Scattered spotting. More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 31181
[AUCTION CATALOGUE]. Catalogue de livres rares Dont la Vente se sera le Lundi 13 Mars 1786 & jours suivants, trois heures de relevée, en l'une des Salles de l'Hôtel de Bullion, rue Plâtriere. Par Guillaume de Bure, Fils aîné. Paris. Chez G. de Bure, 1786. First edition. xii, 259, [1], 26pp. With an index of authors. Priced in a contemporary hand throughout.

[Bound with:] Prix des livres rares, dont la vente s'est faite le lundi 20 mars 1786, en l'une des salles de l'Hôtel de Bullion... [Paris], [s.n.], [1786]. 32pp, [4].

8vo. Contemporary gilt-tooled mottled calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, marbled edges. Extremities rubbed, wear to head of spine and upper joint, ... More >
£ 1,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 22577
[LITURGY - Italian]. Il libro Delle Preghiere Publiche ed Amministrazione de' Sacramenti, ed Altri Riti e Cerimonie della Chiesa, Secondo l'uso della chiesa anglicana; Insieme col saltero over i salmidi david, Come hanno da esser recitati nelle chiese. Londra [i.e London]. Si vende da Gio. Wilcox, 1733. 12mo. [648], 24pp. Contemporary gilt-ruled calf. Extremities worn, loss to head- and tail-caps, upper board held by cords only. Slight loss to gutter of leaf B1, title browned, intermittent light dampstaining. More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 27937
DE GRANADA, Luis. R. P. Fr. Lodoici granatensis de oratione et meditatione libri tres posteriores... Coloniae Agrippinae [i.e. Cologne]. In officina Birckmannica, sumptibus Arnoldi Mylii, 1588. 12mo. 834pp. Contemporary vellum, title in manuscript to spine. Marked and discoloured, lightly rubbed, later paper shelf-label to foot of spine. Text-block held in binding by upper hinge only, pastedowns sprung, early ownership inscription of Richard Banastre to title, very occasional minute marginal worm-trails, dampstained. More > £ 325.00 Antiquates Ref. 17305