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SKINNER, Rev. John. Amusements of Leisure Hours: Or Poetical Pieces, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect: By the Late Reverend John Skinner; At Longside, Aberdeenshire. To Which is Prefixed, a Sketch of the Author's Life, with Some Remarks on Scottish Poetry. Edinbugh. Printed By John Moir...and Sold By Stuart Alexander Brown, 1809. First Edition. 12mo in 6s. 164pp. Uncut in original publisher's drab boards, printed paper lettering-piece. Rubbed, with some cracking to joints and a little loss to spine. Ink inscription to head of title. More > £ 125.00 Antiquates Ref. 31805
KEATS, John. The poetical works of john keats. London. Humphrey Milford; Oxford University Press, 1914. Enlarged edition. 8vo. lxxxii, 491pp. Handsomely bound in a gilt-tooled red morocco 'Oxford Binding'. All edges gilt. A little rubbed and marked to extremities, joints. internally bright and clean save minor foxing to marbled endpapers. Contemporary inscription to FFEP. More > £ 100.00 Antiquates Ref. 32020
DICKENS, Charles. The Posthumous Papers of the pickwick club. London. Chapman and Hall, [s.d., c1860s?] 8vo. 609pp, with 43 illustrations by R. Seymour and "Phiz". Original publisher's blindstamped green cloth boards, lettered in gilt to spine. Boards a little marked, spine sunned and bumped, else a crisp copy. Toning to endpapers and light foxing throughout. With the bookplate of John Henry Smith to front pastedown. More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 32015
[CUNNINGHAM, John William]. A world without souls. London. Printed for J. Hatchard, 1805. First edition. 12mo. iv, 135pp, [3]. With one, of two, terminal leaves of publisher's advertisements. Contemporary green vellum-tipped marbled paper boards, recently rebacked. Boards worn. Late nineteenth century loan label of Worcester Public Library to FEP, manuscript note tot title '3 days' - presumably the length of time the book could be borrowed, occasional browning and spotting, inked annotation 'Revd. W Cunningham' to final page of text. More > £ 1,250.00 Antiquates Ref. 28940
SHAKESPEARE, William. The works of william shakespeare. London. Macmillan and Co., 1896. In three volumes. [8], 544; [6]; 644; [6], 666pp. Modern gilt-tooled half-calf, marbled paper boards, marbled edges. Minor shelf-wear. Marbled endpapers, bookseller tickets of H. M. Gilbert of Southampton to all FEPs, contemporary inked gift inscription to front blank fly-leaf of Vol. I, very occasional light spotting. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 27780
GORDON, John. Poems. Edinburgh. Printed by James Ballantyne and Co...sold by John Buchanan..., 1807. 8vo. vii, [1], 114pp. With half-title. Contemporary half-calf over marbled boards, contrasting morocco lettering-piece, gilt. Worn, with loss to extremities and cracking to joints; upper board almost detached More > £ 125.00 Antiquates Ref. 31803
DOUGLAS, Alexander. Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect.. Cupar-fife. Printed by R. Tullis, for the Author, 1806. First Edition. 8vo. xx, 203pp, [1]. Uncut in contemporary red half-morocco over marbled boards, gilt. Rubbed, with loss to head of spine. Neat twentieth-century German ink-stamp to FFEP. More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 31804
GERRARD, R. Ellis. Ballads of battle and poems of peace. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. North of England Printing Co., 1914. First edition. 8vo. [12], iii, [1], 204pp. With a photographic portrait frontispiece. Original publisher's green cloth, lettered in gilt to spine. Binding cocked, heavily rubbed and marked, spine dulled. Decorated endpapers, near contemporary pencilled ownership inscription to recto of front blank fly-leaf. More > £ 125.00 Antiquates Ref. 24616
[COMBE, William]. Anti-diabo-lady. Respectfully dedicated to all the women in her majesty's dominions, in general; and to the best of them in particular, Calculated to expose the Malevolence of the Author of diabo-lady. London. Printed for the Author, and to be had of C. Parker...Mr. Bew, 1777. First edition. Quarto. [2], iv, 17pp, [1]. Late dark green half-morocco, red paper boards, lettered in gilt to spine. Rubbed. Title lightly browned, internally clean and crisp. More > £ 750.00 Antiquates Ref. 29062
BLOOMFIELD, Robert. The farmer's boy; a rural poem. London. Printed for Vernor and Hood, 1800. First edition. [2], xvi, 102pp.

[Bound with:] BLOOMFIELD, Robert. Rural tales, ballads, and songs. London. Printed for Vernor and Hood, 1802. First edition. [2], xi, [1], 105pp, [1]. With an engraved portrait frontispiece.

Quarto. Contemporary calf, tooled in gilt and blind, later renacked and recornered. Heavily rubbed and marked. Marbled endpapers, later printed booksellers description and shelf-label to FEP, recent bookplate of Edwin Waterhouse to verso of ... More >
£ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 24109
LAWSON, John. Orient harping: a Desultory Poem, in two parts. London. Printed for Samuel Lawson, 1821. Second edition. 12mo. xi, [1], 227pp, [1]. Contemporary calf, richly tooled in gilt and blind, marbled edges. Without lettering-piece. Lightly rubbed. Marbled endpapers, Armorial bookplate of Thomas Merrett to FEP, manuscript shelf-marks to title page. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 21863
BELL, Currer [i.e. BRONTË, Charlotte]. Shirley et agnès grey. Paris. Librairie de L. Hachette et cie., 1860. 12mo. Two volumes bound as one. [14], 406, [2]; [2], 370pp, [2]. Volume title pages (dated 1859) and conjugate half-titles loosely inserted. Uncut in original publisher's printed glassine covered powder-blue wrappers. A trifle rubbed and browned, spine sunned. occasional light marginal dampstaining, scattered spotting, several gatherings of Vol. II browned. More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 24241
HOMER. Homeri ilias graece et latine. Annotationes in usum serenissimi principis guilielmi augustu, ducis de cumberland, &c regio jussu scripsit atque edidit samuel clarke, s.t.p. . Londini, [i.e. London]. Impensis Johannis & Pauli Knapton, 1754. Second edition. Quarto. [8], 344; [4], 347pp, [13]. With folding engraved frontispiece maps to each volume, and terminal errata leaf to Vol. II. Contemporary gilt-tooled calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. Worn, with splits to joints (boards nevertheless holding strong), bumping to corners and surface loss to boards. Three inked shelf-marks to front endpapers. James Beattie's copy, with his neat inscription to title, along with the number '221.' in ... More > £ 1,750.00 Antiquates Ref. 24874
[VAIRASSE, Denis]. Histoire des sevarambes peuples qui habitent une Partie du troisieme Continent, communement appelle la terre australe... Amsterdam. Aux depens d'Estienne Roger, 1702. 12mo. In two volumes. 333, [1]; 303pp, [25]. Titles printed in red and black. With an engraved frontispiece to each volume and a terminal catalogue of publisher's advertisements to Vol. II. Uncut. Handsomely bound in later red morocco, lettered in gilt, T.E.G. Lightly rubbed. Early armorial bookplates of Lord Bracco tipped-in to FFEP of Vol. I and verso of frontispiece of Vol. II respectively, frontispieces heavily ... More > £ 750.00 Antiquates Ref. 31618