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SHERWOOD, Mrs. [Mary Martha]. Le fèvre. A true Narrative.

London. Printed for Hamilton, Adams, and Co., 1827. First edition.
12mo. [2], 152pp. With an engraved frontispiece. Uncut in original publisher's printed buff paper boards, later rebacked. Rubbed, marked and dulled, corners exposed. Very occasional light spotting.
A rare survival of the sole edition of prolific children's author Mary Martha Sherwood's (1775-1851) narrative of a sickly and impoverished Frenchman residing in Normandy, who, by the efforts of a pious English family, is instructed in the gospel prior to his untimely demise.

OCLC and COPAC records copies at just six locations (BL, Illinois, Melbourne, Oxford, UCLA, and Washington).
£ 375.00 Antiquates Ref: 27962