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[ETON COLLEGE]. A list of eton college, taken at election, 1829. Eton. Printed and Sold by E. Williams, [1829]. 23pp, [1].

[Bound with:] [A further 12 Eton College lists covering the years 1830-1840 (two representing 1839, taken at election and Christmas respectively), all printed by E. Williams.]

12mo. Contemporary black half-calf, marbled boards, gilt. Rubbed. Very occasional loss and short tears to margins, occasional ink and pencil deletions and corrections. More >
£ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 17434
[SEWARD, William]. Anecdotes of distinguished persons, chiefly of the present and two preceding centuries. London. Printed for T. Cadell Jun. and W. Davies, 1798. Fourth edition. 8vo. In four volumes. With an engraved frontispiece to each volume, nine engraved plates, three leaves of facsimile handwriting, and seven leaves of engraved music. Contemporary marbled calf, contrasting black morocco lettering-pieces, spines richly gilt. Rubbed, some minor loss to head of spines, slight splitting to joints. Lightly spotted/toned, some worming to rear endpapers of Vol. I. From the library of successful merchant of Scottish origin ... More > £ 200.00 Antiquates Ref. 11801
[AUCKLAND, William Eden]. Some remarks on the apparent circumstances of the war in the fourth week of october 1795. London. Printed for J. Walter, 1795. Second edition. 68pp. Presentation copy, inscription to head of title-page (partially shaved); 'From the author, Lord Auckland', and signed again beneath.

[Bound after:] LAUDERDALE, [James Maitland], Earl of. Letters to the peers of Scotland. London. Printed for G. G. and J. Robinson, 1794. First edition. [2], 318pp, [2]. Without half-title, with terminal errata leaf.

[Bound before:] The substance of a speech made by lord auckland, on monday ... More >
£ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 16538
GIBBS, Frederick Waymouth. Recognition: a chapter from the history of the North American & South American States. London. Printed by W. M'Dowall, 1863. Second edition. [2], 46pp.

[Bound after:] The foreign enlistment act, London, William Ridgway, 1863. 74pp.

[And with:] Once a clergyman, always a clergyman. A letter to the Lord Bishop of London. London, William Ridgway, 1865. 78pp.

[And:] Extradition treaties. London, William Ridgway, 1868. 69pp

8vo. Handsomely bound in contemporary half calf, marbled boards, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, gilt. Extremities somewhat rubbed to joints and corners. Internally clean ... More >
£ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 12929
THOMAS, [Antoine Leonard]. Essai sur le caractere, les moeurs et l'esprit des femmes dans les differens siecles. A Paris: A Lausanne. Chez Moutard: Chez Franc. Grasset & Comp., 1772. 8vo. vi, 189pp, [3]. With half-title and an engraved frontispiece. Contemporary calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, gilt. A trifle rubbed, slight splitting to upper joint. Contemporary ownership inscription of 'C: Cookson' to FEP, and 'C. Cookson 1789 achete a Geneve' to head of title, light offsetting, small marginal paper flaw to A1, lightly foxed. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 14651
CLARKE, Thomas Grey. A memoir of anna maria clarke, wife of the rev. thomas clarke. London. Harry Woolridge, 1853. First edition. 8vo. xii, [2], 482pp. With half-title, an engraved frontispiece, and several engraved illustrations in the text. Original publisher's blind-stamped brown cloth, lettered in gilt. A trifle rubbed, spine sunned, dust-soiling to fore-edge. Upper hinge exposed, contemporary ink ownership inscription to FEP, armorial bookplate of Henry Birkbeck to FFEP, very occasional light spotting. More > £ 75.00 Antiquates Ref. 16251
LE BEAU, [Charles]. The history of the lower empire; beginning from Constantine the Great. Translated from the French of M. Le Beau. Volume the first. London. Printed for T. Davies, 1770. First edition in English. 8vo. Volume I, all published. xxxi, [1], 390pp. With half-title. Uncut in original publisher's drab paper boards. Without spine panel, rubbed and marked. Paste-downs sprung, short marginal tear to leaf T7, else internally immaculate. More > £ 850.00 On Sale: £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 16219
BEAUMONT, Gustave de. Ireland: social, political, and religious. [London]. Richard Bentley, 1839. First edition in English. 12mo. In two volumes. vii, [1], 382; iv, 356pp, [4]. With two terminal advertisement leaves. Uncut in original publisher's blind-stamped green cloth, lettered in gilt. Some rubbing, spines sunned, a trifle marked. Armorial bookplates of Ferdinand M. McVeagh to both FEPs, ink ownership inscriptions of 'Michael Hurst / October 1969 to same', pencil annotations throughout, occasional light spots of dust-soiling. More > £ 300.00 Antiquates Ref. 16347
TARTT, W[illiam] M[acDowell]. Memoirs connected with the life and writings of pandolfo collenuccio da pesaro: with other memoirs of the fifteenth century. [Cheltenham]. [s.n.], 1868. First edition. 8vo. vi, 329, [5], 5pp, [1]. Engraved portrait frontispiece, Original publisher's plain paper boards, printed paper lettering-piece. Extremities rubbed, marked, and water-stained, loss to lower portion of spine, chipping to lettering-piece. Foxed throughout. Presentation copy, inscribed to FFEP; 'To his nephew / Samuel Carrington C. E. / with the author's kind regards / 8 October 1871'. More > £ 100.00 Antiquates Ref. 16183
[IRELAND]. Speeches of the Right Honorable Henry Grattan, with prefatory observations. The whole comprising a brief review of the most important political events in the history of Ireland. Dublin. Printed for H. Fitzpatrick, 1811. First edition. 8vo. Volume one, all published. [4], xcvi, [2], 415pp, [1], x. An unsophisticated copy, uncut in original publisher's two-tone paper boards, printed paper lettering-piece. Rubbing to spine with loss to head and foot, splitting to joints, chipping to lettering-piece, boards a trifle marked, corners bumped. Ink ownership inscription to FEP, lightly foxed. More > £ 200.00 Antiquates Ref. 11090
[DODSLEY, Robert]. The Oeconomy of human life, translated from an indian manuscript, written by an ancient bramin... London. Printed by T. Rickaby, for E. Harding, 1798. 8vo. 22, [2], 120pp. With two terminal advertisement leaves. Profusely illustrated with engraved vignettes throughout. Uncut in original publisher's paper boards. Extremities rubbed and marked, substantial loss to spine, upper board held by cords only. Ink ownership inscription to FFEP, else internally clean and crisp. More > £ 100.00 Antiquates Ref. 13881
HODGKIN, John. A companion to hodgkin's introduction to writing and grammar; intended To save the Time of Teachers, and to assist Parents in examining the Progress of their Children in these branches of Education. London. Printed for Harvey and Darton, 1827-8. Second edition. 12mo. In two parts, in two volumes. 23pp, [1]; viii, 70pp, [2]. With terminal advertisement leaf. Original publisher's grey paper wrappers. Slightly rubbed at spine, upper joint of the second volume partially torn.
More >
£ 375.00 Antiquates Ref. 15306
WARNER, Richard. An illustration of the Roman Antiquities discovered at Bath. Bath. Printed by W. Meyler, 1797. First edition. Quarto. [4], xxvi, 85pp, [1]. With 14 woodcut plates of antiquities. Uncut in early vellum backed marbled boards. Discolouration and light rubbing to extremities. Remnant of library label and some loss to FEP, ownership inscription and library stamp to title, slight marginal loss to bottom corner of B3, else internally clean and crisp. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 13895