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[HARRIS, John]. Sir Harry Herald's graphical representation of the dignitaries of england; shewing the Costume of different Ranks, from the king to a commoner; with the regalia used at the coronation. London. Printed for J. Harris and Son, 1820. First edition. 12mo. 18 leaves illustrated with 17 hand-coloured woodcut engravings. Original publisher's brown printed paper wraps. Extremities soiled and creased, significant loss to spine with wraps having separated, damp-stain to head of both upper and lower covers having worked through to text block. Leaves toned, occasional spots of foxing. More > £ 175.00 Antiquates Ref. 11954
DRAYTON, Michael. England's Heroical Epistles, written In Imitation of the Stile and Manner of Ovid's Epistles: with annotations of The Chronicle History. London. Printed for S. Smethwick, [c.1695]. 8vo. [8], 225pp, [1]. Without frontispiece. Recent calf-backed decorated paper boards, gilt. Very minor wear to extremities. Ink inscriptions to title, browning to all leaves, occasional spots of dust-soiling and light marginal damp-staining, loss of characters 'h' and 'i' of 'white' on p.199. More > £ 350.00 Antiquates Ref. 13209
HEWLETT, John Rev.. A vindication of the authenticity of the Parian Chronicle, in answer to a dissertation on that subject, lately published. London. Printed for John Edwards, 1789. First edition. 8vo in 4s. [4], 178pp, [6]. With an engraved plate depicting the Parian Chronicle. Contemporary half-calf, marbled boards, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. Rubbed, substantial surface loss to spine, lettering-piece working loose, light damp-staining to boards. Upper hinge cracked, ink inscription to FEP reading 'Ex Libris Jacob Hebard', ink inscription of '(?) Parker Nov 3. 1858' to head of title, offsetting from plate. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 13127
[TREATIES]. A collection of all the treaties of peace, alliance, and commerce, between great-britain and other powers, from the Revolution in 1688, to the present time. London. Printed for J. Almon, 1772. First edition. 8vo. In two volumes. viii, 404, [4]; iv, 342pp. With a half-title to Vol. I and a folding table. Contemporary calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-pieces, gilt. Slight rubbing and soiling, surface loss to upper board of Vol. I, upper joint of Vol. I starting. Light marginal damp-staining to final two registers of Vol. II. From the library of the Earls of Lovelace, with ink-stamps of the ... More > £ 500.00 Antiquates Ref. 13525
TURNER, John. Two Discourses Introductory to a Disquisition Demonstrating the Unlawfulness of the Marriage of Cousin Germans; From Law, Reason, Scripture, and Antiquity. London. Printed by H.H. for Walter Kettilby, 1682. First Edition. 8vo. [4], 63pp, [1]. [Bound with:] A Letter of Resolution to a Friend, Concerning the Marriage of Cousin Germans. London. Printed by H.H. for Walter Kettilby, 1682. [16], 29pp, [1]. With blank A1 but without final leaf of advertisements, C8. Two works bound in one, recent blue paper boards. Occasional marginal loss and slight shaving to fore-edge notes of first work. Ink inscriptions of Tho. Twisleton ... More > £ 225.00 Antiquates Ref. 10979
[BOLTON, Robert]. Letters to a Young Nobleman. Dublin. Printed for G. and A. Ewing, and J. Exshaw, 1763. First Irish edition. 12mo. [4], 230pp, [6] ads. Contemporary calf, morocco lettering-piece. Joints cracked, upper board held by cords. Lower corners of first four leaves with some fraying, occasional spots of foxing. More > £ 125.00 Antiquates Ref. 12323
DOWSON, Ernest. Memoirs of Cardinal Dubois. London. Leonard Smithers and Co., 1899. 8vo. In two volumes. xvi, 282; viii, 268pp. With a half-title and an engraved portrait frontispiece to each volume. Partially uncut in contemporary navy half-morocco, blue cloth boards, T.E.G., gilt. Spines slightly sunned, light surface wear. Marbled endpapers, bookplates of Marion C. Walker to both FEPs, internally clean and crisp. More > £ 125.00 Antiquates Ref. 13367
RAPIN DE THOYRAS, [Paul de]. Dissertation sur les whigs et les torys. A La Haye. Chez Charles le Vier, 1717. 8vo. [8], 162pp. Title in red and black. Contemporary calf, gilt. Without lettering-piece, rubbed, joints starting, slight loss to head and foot of spine. Marbled endpapers, light damp-staining and occasional spots of foxing throughout, loss to bottom margin of B2, not affecting text. From the library of Hugh Selbourne, with small ink-stamps to verso of title and occasionally to margins. More > £ 100.00 Antiquates Ref. 13388
DESCLOZEAUX, Adrien. Gabrielle d'Estrees. London. Arthur Humphreys, 1907. First English edition. 8vo. vi, 330pp. With half-title. Title in red and black. Uncut and unopened in original publisher's cream cloth backed blue paper boards, printed paper lettering-piece. Some browning and dust-soiling to extremities. Internally clean and crisp but for the occasional spot of foxing. From The Royal Library Historical Series. More > £ 50.00 Antiquates Ref. 13384
[ROBINS, Benjamin]. An address to the electors, And other free Subjects of Great Britain; Occasion'd by the Late secession. In which is contain'd A particular Account of all our Negociations with Spain, and their Treatment of Us, for above Ten Years past. London. Printed for H. Goreham, 1739. Second edition. 8vo in 4s. iv, 63pp, [1]. With woodcut head- and tail-pieces and initials. Recent marbled paper boards, paper lettering-piece. Light rubbing to extremities. Small ink mark to head of title, short marginal tear to I3. More > £ 75.00 Antiquates Ref. 12881
[DE BRITAINE, William]. Humane Prudence, or the art By which a Man may Raise Himself and Fortune to Grandeur. London. Printed by J. Rawlins, for R. Sare, 1693. Sixth edition, corrected and enlarged. 12mo. [12], 284pp. Without the two terminal advertisement leaves. Later half-calf, marbled boards, recently rebacked with earlier contrasting red morocco lettering-piece laid down. Ink inscription to FEP reading 'George Hanaway Jolliffe 6th November, 1906', title-page remounted at gutter (somewhat naively), small hole to same with loss to text of imprint. More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 12770
[NAVAL PAY]. An Appeal to His Majesty, Both Houses of Parliament, and the People of the United Kingdom, against a Late Rejection of the Petition of the Captains of the Royal Navy, for an Augmentation of Pay By Lord Mulgrave.... London. Published By C. Chapple..., 1809. First Edition. 8vo. [2], 49pp, [1]. Recent blue paper boards. Ink inscription of J.D. Thomson, presumably John Deas Thomson (1763-1838), Accountant-General to the Royal Navy, to slightly soiled title. Small hole to text caused by wax spill to D1, without loss of sense. More > £ 175.00 Antiquates Ref. 9954
SHERIDAN, Charles Francis.. A History of the Late Revolution in Sweden: Containing An Account of the Transactions of the Three Last Diets of That Country; Preceded By a Short Abstract of the Swedish History, So Far as Was Necessary to Lay Open the True Caufes of That Remarkable Eve. Dublin. Printed By M.Mills, 1778. First Dublin edition. 8vo. [4], 443pp. Contemporary sheep with contrasting morocco lettering piece, gilt. Worn with some splitting to spine, occasional staining to text. More > £ 100.00 Antiquates Ref. 10492
[PRAULT, Louis-Laurent]. Interesting Anecdotes of Henry IV. Of France, Containing Sublime Traits and Lively Sallies of Wit of That Monarch...Translated from the French. London. Printed for J. Debrett, [c.1792]. Second English Edition. 12mo. Two volumes. [viii], 205, [3]. [2], 224pp. With three pages of advertisements to Vol I. Contemporary tree-calf, gilt, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. Slightly rubbed, with chip to head of Vol II and small worm-holes to joints at foot of each volume. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 9923
FIELDING, Henry. An inquiry into the causes of the late Increase of Robbers, &c. With some proposals for Remedying this Growing Evil. In which The Present Reigning Vices are impartially exposed; and the Laws that relate to the Provision for the Poor, and to the Punishment of Felons are largely and freely examined. Dublin. Printed for G. Faulkner, 1751. First Dublin Edition. 8vo. xv, [1], 96pp. Recent blue paper wraps. Neat paper reinforcement to gutter of title. Light ink marking to title, occasional very light staining to margins, else a crisp copy. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 11208