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FONTENELLE, Monsieur [Bernard Le Bovier de]. The lives of the French, Italian, and German Philosophers. Late members of the Royal Academy of Science in Paris. Together with abstracts Of some of the Choicest Pieces, communicated by them to that Illustrious Society. To which is added, The preface of the Ingenious Monsieur Fontenelle, Secretary and Author of the History of the said Academy. London. Printed for W. Innys, 1717. First edition. 8vo. [16], xxxv, [1], 123, 122-441, 552, 455- 464pp, [4]. With two terminal advertisement leaves. Contemporary gilt-tooled, blind-panelled polished calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, small shelf-label to head of spine. A trifle rubbed, slightly chipped at head, else a fine copy. The Macclesfield copy, with the armorial 'North Library' bookplate (shelf-mark 45.C.29) and typical armorial blind- stamps to title page and first two leaves of text, ... More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 19580
[ALLAN, Thomas]. An alphabetical list of the names of minerals, at present most familiar in their english, french, and german languages, with tables of analyses. Edinburgh. Printed at the Caledonian Mercury Press, 1808. First edition. [8], 72pp, with 17 leaves of tables, each folded and mounted on a stub.

[Bound after:] BALD, Robert. A general view of the coal trade of scotland, chiefly that of the river forth and mid-lothian, as connected with the supplying of edinburgh and the north of scotland with fuel; to which is added an inquiry into the condition of these women who carry goals under ... More >
£ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 23956
GARDINER, William. Tables of logarithms for All Numbers from 1 to 102100, and For the Sines and Tangents to every ten seconds of each degree in the Quadrant; as also, for the Sines of the first 72 minutes to every single second: with Other useful and necessary tables. London. Printed for the G. Smith, 1742. First edition. Quarto. [6],14,[74];[152]pp. With a list of subscribers and an errata slip. Contemporary gilt-tooled calf, gilt supralibros of the La Rochefoucauld family to both boards, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, all edges red. Rubbed and a trifle marked. Marbled endpapers, recent book-label of Erwin Tomash to FEP, ink-stamp of the Château de La Roche-Guyon to title page, inked inscription of the author to final page of preface. More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 18632
JAMESON, Robert. An outline of the mineralogy of the shetland islands, and of the island of arran. Illustrated with copper-plates. With an appendix; containing observations on peat, kept, and coal. Edinburgh. Printed for William Creech.., 1798. First edition. Quarto. [4], xiv, 202pp. With an engraved folding map (of the Shetland Islands) and three engraved plates on two leaves (one of which a map of Arran). Early twentieth-century half-calf (with a manuscript note 'Re-bound april 1904' inscribed to RFEP), contrasting morocco lettering-piece, gilt. A generously margined copy, with fore-edges and bottom edges uncut. Very slightly marked, slightest of wear to extremities. Spotting to endpapers, and ... More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 23010
MORRIS, Gael. Tables for Renewing and Purchasing of leases. As also For Renewing and Purchasing of lives. With other Necessary Tables For Computing of interest, either Simple of Compound. London. Printed, and Sold by J. Brotherton, 1735. First edition. 8vo. iv, 48, [2], 92pp. Contemporary gilt-ruled speckled calf. A trifle rubbed. Title page lightly browned, later inked ownership inscription of Henry Lonsdall to recto of FFEP. Inked inscription to recto of p[1]: 'Examd. G. Morris'. More > £ 750.00 Antiquates Ref. 21860
BRADLEY, Lonsdale. An inquiry into the deposition of lead ore, in the mineral veins of Swaledale, Yorkshire. London. Edward Stanford, 1862. First edition. Quarto. vii, [1], 40pp, [2]. With a geological map, a reference plate, and ten plates of veins, all, except the map, hand-coloured. Original publisher's blind-stamped navy cloth, lettered in gilt. Lightly rubbed and marked, spine sunned. Title page browned, occasional spotting. Inked ownership inscription of L. R. Wager to recto of FFEP. More > £ 750.00 Antiquates Ref. 23659
MULLER, John. Indian tables for the conversion of indian mun into factory and bazar maunds, madras and bombay commercial weight, troy and avoirdupois weight, and the different maunds in use in the bengal presidency... Calcutta. [s.n.], 1836. First edition. 8vo. xi, 294, 15pp, [1]. With a list of subscribers and a tipped-in errata slip. Contemporary gilt-ruled half-calf, marbled boards, recently rebacked and recornered preserving contemporary spine panel. Boards and spine panel worn and wormed. Leaves browned, one table split into two along fold. Book-label of Erwin Tomash to FEP. More > £ 625.00 Antiquates Ref. 22527
SMYTH, Vice-Admiral W. H.. The cycle of celestial objects continued at the hartwell observatory to 1859. With a notice of recent discoveries, including details from the aedea hartwellianae. London. Printed for Private Circulation by John Bowyer Nichols and Sons, 1860. First edition. Quarto. ix, [1], 480pp. With six engraved plates (one in colour depicting Encke’s comet), and numerous engraved illustrations in the text. Original publisher's burgundy cloth, stamped in gilt and blind. Rubbed and sunned, surface loss to spine and joints, corners bumped. Hinges exposed, bookseller's ticket of Edward Baker of Birmingham to FEP, scattered spotting. Presentation copy, inked inscription to FEP: 'Presented to The Reverend W. Selwyn. ... More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 27473
NAPIER, Mark. [Drop-head title:] On the progress and prospects of science in scotland at the close of the sixteenth and commencement of the seventeenth centuries, as compared with the same at cambridge a century later... [Edinburgh]. [s.n.], [1856]. 42pp. With an engraved portrait frontispiece. Contemporary half-morocco, marbled paper boards, lettered in gilt. Lightly rubbed. Armorial bookplate of the Barons Napier to FEP. Presentation copy, inked inscription to verso of front blank fly-leaf: 'To the Lord Napier / from his affectionate cousin / the Author'. More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 23492
MAGELLEN, J[ean] H[yacinthe] de. Description of a glass-apparatus from making In a few Minutes, and at very small Expence, the best mineral waters of pyrmont, spa, seltzer, seydschtz, aix-la-chapelle, &c. together with the description of two new eudiometers... London. Printed for the Author, 1783. Third edition, revised, corrected, and enlarged by the author. 8vo. viii, 80pp. With an engraved frontispiece. Uncut and unopened in later speckled paper wrappers. Extremities rubbed, later blank paper label to upper wrapper. Small worm-track to upper corners of first two leaves. Presentation copy, inked inscription to foot of title page: 'ex dono authoris'. More > £ 650.00 On Sale: £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 19239
STOWE, W. E.. Time tables shewing without mental calculation the number of days from any given day in any month, to every day in any other month during a year. London. Parker, Furnivall & Parker, 1848. First edition. Quarto. [2]pp. 12 engraved tables with slides. Original publisher's blind-stamped dark green cloth, lettered in gilt, recently rebacked, printed paper lettering-piece to spine. Boards rubbed and marked. Book-label of Erwin Tomash to FEP, scattered foxing. More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 22529
KEILL, Joanne. M.D.. Introductio Ad Veram Astronomiam seu Lectiones Astronomicae Habitae in Schola Astronomica Acadamiae Oxoniensis. Oxoniae [i.e. Oxford] e Theatro Sheldoniano. Impensis Hen. Clements, 1718. 8vo. [8], xv, [1], 495pp, [1] Two engraved folding plates of lunar landscape, mathematical diagrams within text throughout. Contemporary tooled full calf boards, re-backed with 20th century calf. Ink inscription 'J. D'arcy' and early private library shelf mark to FFEP. Rubbing to boards with slight loss in places and faint scoring to upper board. Internally clean and crisp. More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 12030
PASTEUR, L[ouis]. Etudes sur la biere, ses maladies, causes qui les provoquent, procede pour la rendre inalterable, avec une theorie nouvelle de la fermentation. Paris. Gauthier-Villars, 1876. First edition. 8vo. viii, 387, [1], 4pp. With a half-title, 12 engraved plates, 85 illustrations in the text, and two terminal leaves of publisher's advertisements. Uncut and partially unopened in original publisher's printed orange wrappers. Extremities rubbed and creased, shipping to spine, some loss to upper panel. Offsetting. More > £ 375.00 Antiquates Ref. 24385
COTES, Roger. Hydrostatical and pneumatical lectures... Cambridge. Printed by J. Bentham Printer to the University, for W. Thurlbourn, 1747. Second edition. 8vo. [18], 273 [i.e. 289]pp, [11]. With five engraved folding plates and a terminal leaf of publisher's advertisements. Contemporary calf, recently rebacked, black morocco lettering-piece. Boards worn and marked. Hinges exposed, armorial bookplate of agricultural reformer Arthur Young (1741-1820) to FEP, head of title page shaved, scattered spotting. Ink-stamps of the Royal Agricultural Society of England to verso of title page and final page of index. More > £ 375.00 Antiquates Ref. 28328
[ASTRONOMY]. [TABOR, J.]. An epitome of astronomy; containing the information requisite for the solution of the entire series of astronomical questions given at the A.B. Pass Examinations in the London University, from its foundation to the present time. London. C.H. Law, School Library, 1853. First edition. 8vo. 6, [9]-58pp (complete despite this apparent pagination jump, which is found in all copies). With ten lithographed plates (lettered A-D, and numbered I-VI). Original publisher's blind-stamped blue cloth. Slightly rubbed to extremities, offsetting to glassine interleaving, else a crisp copy. Inscribed 'To Fred Bone, with the donor's best wishes. Percy House, Christmas 1864' to FFEP. More > £ 375.00 Antiquates Ref. 26197
DOUGLAS, James. Myographiae comparatae specimen: or, a comparative description of all the muscles in a man and in a quadruped. Shewing their discoverer, origin, progress, insertion, use, and difference. To which is added, an account of the muscles peculiar to a woman. With an etymological table, and several useful index's. London. Printed by W. B. for G. Strachan, 1707. First edition. 12mo. xxxvi, 216, 16pp. Distinguished from other edition of the same year by 'G. Strachan' not 'George Strahan' in the imprint. Contemporary gilt-tooled speckled calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. Lightly rubbed. Early inked initials to FEP, else internally clean and crisp. More > £ 375.00 Antiquates Ref. 24245