Hamburgh [i.e. Hamburg].
F. H. Nestler & Melle, 1851.
Fifth edition newly revised and enlarged.
[16], xxiv, 394pp. Printed in double columns. Contemporary green half-calf, marbled boards, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, gilt. Extremities rubbed. Near contemporary ownership inscription to head of title-page 'Fanny G. Houghlin / Feb. 1863', very occasional light spotting. More >
£ 200.00
Antiquates Ref. 16785
Published by J. G. F. & J. Rivington, 1840.
First edition.
ix, [3], 124pp. With a list of subscribers and a tipped-in errata slip. Partially unopened in original publisher's blue cloth. A trifle rubbed, surface loss to head of sunned spine, corners bumped. Very occasional creasing to leaves, foxed throughout. More >
£ 200.00
Antiquates Ref. 16704
Trykt paa Mag. Wiborgs Forlag i det Hedmanske Bogtrykkeri, 1817.
First edition.
[8], 44, 168pp. Contemporary calf, tooled in gilt and blind, gilt supralibros of Francis Egerton to boards, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, marbled edges. Rubbed and scored, spine chipped and dulled. Marbled endpapers, recent bookplate of Eric Gerald Stanley to FEP, scattered spotting. More >
£ 200.00
Antiquates Ref. 20307
Printed for Richard Sare, 1721.
Eighth edition.
412 [i.e. 416]pp. Contemporary panelled calf. Rubbed and marked, some surface loss to lower board. without pastedowns/free-endpapers, head of text-block shaved with occasional loss to running-titles, loss/tearing to leaves O7-8, R1-2, and Cc4 with loss of text and sense. More >
£ 200.00
Antiquates Ref. 33036
Bey Schimmelpfennig und Comp., 1804.
First edition.
227pp, [1]. With two folding plates of musical notation. Original publisher's tan paper wrappers, paper lettering-piece with title in manuscript. Slight wear to extremities with some loss to head and foot of spine. Ink shelf-marks to FEP of Sir Thomas Phillipps' Middle Hill Library, lightly foxed throughout. More >
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref. 13461
Printed by R. Juigne...and Darton and Harvey [s.d., c.1809]
First edition.
[6], 405pp, [1]. Contemporary blind-tooled sheep.Extremities rubbed and marked. A trifle creased/spotted. More >
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref. 17462
Printed by Adolphus Stapleaux, 1815.
Fourth edition.
[8], xxxv, [1], 170pp. Contemporary half-calf, marbled boards, contrasting morocco lettering-piece. Extremities rubbed. Paper repair to gutter of title-page, first four leaves of text mounted on stubs, small paper repairs to lower corners of leaves M2 and N1. More >
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref. 18801
A Londres [i.e. London].
Chez B. Law...T. Cadell...P. Elmsly, 1781.
Troisieme edition [i.e. third edition].
xvi, 220pp, [4]. With an engraved frontispiece and two terminal publisher's advertisement leaves. Contemporary sheep. Heavily rubbed, some surface loss to boards, loss to head and foot of spine. Early inked ownership inscription to FEP, several gatherings protruding slightly from text-block. More >
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref. 17453
Printed for the Author, And Sold by G. G. J. and J. Robinson...and T. Cadell, 1787.
Second edition.
vi, [6], 348pp. Contemporary sheep, gilt. Extremities worn, joints split, surface loss to boards. Hinges exposed, recent bookplate of Eric Gerald Stanley to FEP, FFEP torn. More >
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref. 20322
Published by the Boosey and Sons et al., 1827.
x, [2], 412pp. Uncut in original publisher's drab paper boards, printed paper lettering-piece. Rubbed and browned, loss and tearing to head of spine, joints split. Contemporary printed advertisement for 'Mr. Douville's Terms for teaching the French language' pasted to FEP, occasional spotting. More >
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref. 23329
Chez Meynard Uytwerf, 1752.
Nouvelle edition [i.e. new edition].
In two volumes. 19, [1], 518pp, [2]; [8], 619pp, [5]. Title pages in red and black. The English-French dictionary has an English title page: 'The royal dictionary, English and French: and French and English...' Contemporary half-calf, marbled boards. Extremities worn, joints split. Armorial bookplates of successive members of the Oates family to front endpapers and fly-leaves of both volumes, occasional ink-spotting and pen-trials. More >
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref. 14323
Printed and sold by J. Chalmers & Co., [1789].
192pp, [4]. The first 24 pages are printed on one side only. Contemporary limp sheep wallet binding, with flap. Extremities worn, some loss to head and foot of spine, flap torn - covered in later calf. Scattered foxing, early ownership inscription to FEP, very occasional manuscript price lists, doggerel poetry to blank versos, recent armorial bookplate of Alexander Hannah to recto of FFEP. More >
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref. 24510
Printed by J. Darby, for A Bettesworth...and F. Clay, 1722.
[4], 35 [i.e. 355]pp, [1]. Parallel French and English text. Contemporary gilt-ruled speckled calf. Heavily rubbed, upper joint split, loss to head and foot of spine. Hinges exposed, scattered foxing. More >
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref. 24187
Printed for W. Strahan, and T. Cadell, 1782.
First edition.
v, [3], 232pp. Contemporary gilt-tooled half-calf, marbled boards, contrasting brown morocco lettering-piece. Rubbed and marked, some surface loss to boards. Scattered spotting. More >
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref. 26454
Printed for F. and C. Rivington, G. and T. Wilkie, L. B. Seeley, and Goadby Lerpiniere, and Langdon, 1797.
First edition.
[2], iii, [184]pp. Later half-calf, marbled boards, tooled in gilt and blind, black morocco lettering-piece, marbled edges. Lightly rubbed, spine dulled. Marbled endpapers, bookplates of Francis Pierrepont Barnard and Eric Gerald Stanley to FEP, Barnard's inked ownership inscription to verso of FFEP, inscription of G. Selby to recto of front blank fly-leaf, scattered foxing. More >
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref. 20311
A Troyes.
Chez la Veuve Jacques Oudot & Jean Oudot, [s.d., 1735]
35pp, [1].
[Bound with:] Les rencontres fantaisies et Coqs-a-l'asne facetieux du baron grateland... Troyes. Chez Pierre Garnier, [s.d., 1738]. [36]pp.
12mo. Nineteenth century gilt-tooled mottled calf, contrasting brown morocco lettering-piece, marbled edges. Rubbed, loss to spine caps, corners exposed. Marbled endpapers, armorial bookplate of Richard Chase Sidney to FEP, blind-stamp of John Fowles to front blank fly-leaf, leaves browned and spotted. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 28453
[Bound with:] Les rencontres fantaisies et Coqs-a-l'asne facetieux du baron grateland... Troyes. Chez Pierre Garnier, [s.d., 1738]. [36]pp.
12mo. Nineteenth century gilt-tooled mottled calf, contrasting brown morocco lettering-piece, marbled edges. Rubbed, loss to spine caps, corners exposed. Marbled endpapers, armorial bookplate of Richard Chase Sidney to FEP, blind-stamp of John Fowles to front blank fly-leaf, leaves browned and spotted. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 28453
Macmillan and Co., 1922.
xii, 563pp, [1]. Bound by Truslove & Hanson in contemporary gilt-tooled navy half-calf, blue cloth boards, T.E.G. A trifle rubbed, spine and head of upper board sunned. Marbled endpapers. Armorial bookplate of Anthony Eden to FEP. More >
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref. 29827
Printed by Rowe and Norman, [1845].
First edition.
xii, 151pp, [1]. With a list of subscribers. Original publisher's blind-stamped blue cloth, lettered in gilt to upper board. A trifle rubbed and marked. Ink shelf-mark to verso of title, scattered spotting. More >
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref. 31161
In Commission bei Rudolf Lechner, 1864.
First edition.
Dimensions 660 x 780 mm, folded to 220 mm.
Single sheet. A trifle creased. More >
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref. 32341
Chez le Libraire de l'Académie, 1756.
Second edition.
Two volumes bound as one. [2], iv, 140; [4], 156pp. With an engraved frontispiece. Contemporary gilt-tooled mottled calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, all edges red. A trifle rubbed. Marbled endpapers, later bookplate of Mr. Beaupré to FEP, scattered spotting. More >
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref. 32797