Oxoniae [i.e. Oxford].
Excudebat Henric. Hall, 1677.
[6], 191pp, [1]. Without initial blank leaf. Modern speckled paper boards. Very occasional light spotting. More >
£ 150.00
Antiquates Ref. 32962
Seeley, Burnside, and Seeley, 1847.
Seventh edition.
xxviii, 372pp. With an engraved frontispiece. Handsomely bound in contemporary richly gilt-tooled navy calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, marbled edges. Rubbed, spine a trifle dulled. Marbled endpapers, ticket of Josiah Fletcher, bookseller of Norwich to FEP, contemporary inked gift inscription to recto of front blank fly-leaf: 'Henry & Mary Anne Birkbeck / from / their very affectionate friend / Catherine Gurney / 25th Oct. 1849'. More >
£ 50.00
Antiquates Ref. 33001
Printed for J. and R. Tonson, and S. Draper, 1746.
First edition.
79pp, [1]. Contemporary calf-backed marbled paper boards. Heavily worn, without backstrip. Ink stain to FFEP, ink inscription of 'William March 1765' to recto of detached front fly-leaf, paper repair to gutter margin of title page, dust-soiling and scattered spotting throughout. From the library of Church of England clergyman and religious controversialist Joseph Mendham (1769-1856). More >
£ 150.00
Antiquates Ref. 12280
Printed by J. Darby and T. Browne, 1727.
[2], 103pp, [1]. With a half-title. Disbound, all edges red. Later paper shelf-label to head of browned half-title, scattered spotting. More >
£ 75.00
Antiquates Ref. 32980
Printed for Robert Johnston, 1757.
[6], 380 [i.e. 390]pp. Contemporary gilt-ruled sprinkled calf, contrasting red calf lettering-piece. Rubbed and marked, spine dulled. Very occasional light spotting. More >
£ 150.00
Antiquates Ref. 32976
[s.n.], 1770.
47pp, [1]. Disbound. Scattered spotting, very occasional early manuscript annotations/highlighting. More >
£ 50.00
Antiquates Ref. 32981
Bruxelles [i.e. Brussels].
Chez Eugene Henry Fricx, 1698.
Derniere edition, suivant la copie imprimee a Paris.
xvii, [3], 573pp, [7]. Contemporary gilt-tooled sprinkled calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. Lightly rubbed, some loss to head of dulled spine. Armorial bookplate of George Baillie to FEP, scattered spotting. More >
£ 75.00
Antiquates Ref. 16286
Clarendon Press, 1777.
Second edition.
[2], ix, [3], 223pp, [1]. Without half-title. Later gilt-tooled sprinkled calf. Lightly rubbed and marked, corners bumped. Later inked ownership inscription to recto of FFEP, ink-stamp of 'Rich. Hughes' to head of title page, scattered spotting. More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 24422
[s.n.], 1750.
xix, [1], 292pp. Contemporary gilt-ruled sprinkled calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. Heavily rubbed, marked, some loss to head of spine. Hinges exposed, without FFEP, early inked ownership inscription of Joseph Steevens to title page, long tear to leaf I4 - naively repaired at margin, loss to foot of leaf P4, with slight loss to catchword, scattered spotting. More >
£ 75.00
Antiquates Ref. 32978
Printed and Sold by J. and W. Oliver, 1774.
First edition.
xx, 276pp. Later calf, tooled in gilt and blind, contrasting black morocco lettering-piece, marbled edges. A trifle rubbed. Marbled endpapers, scattered spotting. More >
£ 200.00
Antiquates Ref. 23895
En te Kantabrigia [i.e. Cambridge].
Exetypothe par' Ioannou Phieldou..., 1665.
[36], 126pp, [2]. With a terminal blank leaf. Title and imprint, including date, are transliterated from the Greek. ESTC R204258, Wing B3632.
[Bound with:] Psalterion tou Dabid... En te Kantabrigia [i.e. Cambridge]. Exetypothe par' Ioannou Phieldou..., 1664. [2], 115, [3], 117-171pp, [1]. Title and imprint, including date, are transliterated from the Greek. ESTC R204259, Wing B2720A.
12mo. Recent calf-backed marbled paper boards, lettered in gilt ... More > £ 325.00 Antiquates Ref. 25869
[Bound with:] Psalterion tou Dabid... En te Kantabrigia [i.e. Cambridge]. Exetypothe par' Ioannou Phieldou..., 1664. [2], 115, [3], 117-171pp, [1]. Title and imprint, including date, are transliterated from the Greek. ESTC R204259, Wing B2720A.
12mo. Recent calf-backed marbled paper boards, lettered in gilt ... More > £ 325.00 Antiquates Ref. 25869
Suttaby and Co., 1883.
New edition.
xix, [1], 240pp. Partially unopened in contemporary gilt-ruled brown crushed half-morocco, marbled paper boards, T.E.G. A trifle rubbed, spine sunned. Marbled endpapers, near contemporary inked gift inscription to verso of FFEP, foxed. More >
£ 50.00
Antiquates Ref. 32933
Re-printed for Charles Baldwyn, 1823.
xi, [1], 204pp. With an engraved portrait frontispiece. Contemporary green half-calf, tooled in gilt and blind, marbled edges. Lightly rubbed, paper shelf-label to foot of dulled spine. Internally clean and crisp. More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 32929
The Strict Baptist Mission, 1943.
First edition.
45pp, [3]. With a photographic portrait frontispiece and three further photographic plates. Original publisher's green pebbled cloth, lettered in gilt to upper board. Lightly rubbed, upper board soiled. Internally clean and crisp. More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 31588
Printed for John Amery...and William Roger, 1686.
[4], 31pp, [1]. With an initial imprimatur leaf. ESTC R37544, Wing S3263.
[Bound with:] [GOTHER, John]. A reply to the answer of the Amicable Accommodation. Being A Fourth Vindication of the Papist Misrepresented and Represented: in Which are more particularly laid open some of the Principal Methods, by which the Papists are Misrepresented by Protestants in their Books and Sermons. London. Printed by Henry Hills, ... More > £ 750.00 Antiquates Ref. 22517
[Bound with:] [GOTHER, John]. A reply to the answer of the Amicable Accommodation. Being A Fourth Vindication of the Papist Misrepresented and Represented: in Which are more particularly laid open some of the Principal Methods, by which the Papists are Misrepresented by Protestants in their Books and Sermons. London. Printed by Henry Hills, ... More > £ 750.00 Antiquates Ref. 22517
Printed by S. Buckley, 1739.
First edition.
[3] 6-55pp, [1]. Without half-title. Recent red half-morocco, red cloth boards, lettered in gilt, T.E.G. Some discolouration to boards. Recent marbled endpapers, very short marginal tears to head of C3-4, browning to leaves of final two gatherings, else internally clean and crisp. More >
£ 150.00
Antiquates Ref. 15043
Printed and sold by R. C. Stanes and Co., [1812].
First edition.
46pp. Uncut and unopened. Stitched, as issued. Title page and verso of terminal leaf a trifle dusty. More >
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref. 32621
Wesleyan Conference Office, 1871-72
Fourth edition.
In six volumes. Original publisher's blind-stamped brown cloth, lettered in gilt. Rubbed, some chipping to spines at head and foot, a trifle cocked. Early inked ownership inscription to FFEP of Vol. I, later ownership inscriptions to first page text of all volumes, scattered spotting. More >
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref. 27922
Printed for H. Mortlock, 1687.
First edition.
8pp. ESTC R7652, Wing S5602.
[Bound with:] [STILLINGFLEET, Edward]. [Drop-head title:] A letter Desiring Information of the conference At the D. of P. mention'd in the Letter of Mr. G. [London]. [Printed by Henry Hills], [1687]. First edition. 4pp. ESTC R23541, Wing M1781.
[And:] [MEREDITH, Edward]. A letter To Dr. E. S. concerning His late Letter to Mr. G. and the Account he gives in ... More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 22518
[Bound with:] [STILLINGFLEET, Edward]. [Drop-head title:] A letter Desiring Information of the conference At the D. of P. mention'd in the Letter of Mr. G. [London]. [Printed by Henry Hills], [1687]. First edition. 4pp. ESTC R23541, Wing M1781.
[And:] [MEREDITH, Edward]. A letter To Dr. E. S. concerning His late Letter to Mr. G. and the Account he gives in ... More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 22518
Printed for W. Laing, 1790.
Second edition, corrected and enlarged.
[2], 168pp. Later rebacked in light green paper. Early and later inked ownership inscriptions to title page, ink deaccession stamp of New College Edinburgh to verso, terminal leaf creased/chipped, scattered spotting. More >
£ 50.00
Antiquates Ref. 32509